Breaking – Political Smack Down Brewing?…

…Sources tell us that a political “Smack Down” is in the works between the group formerly referred to “Kootenai County Reagan Republicans” and the Kootenai County Reagan Republicans! …Huh?

That’s right Chuckle Fans, apparently Uncle Jeff and gang have been using the name of a legal entity that they don’t own and have no legal authority to use! The Kootenai County Reagan Republicans, Inc. is an Idaho Non-Profit Corporation, authorized to conduct business within the State of Idaho.They are, apparently, in the process of shutting down the unauthorized activities of the “Other Guys” (that’s what we’re going to refer to them as from here-on-out).

This is gonna get real interesting!

Chuckleberries Chief Legal Counsel, Dewey Cheatham, advises that “Transacting Business, in Idaho without, at least an assumed name certificate” is a big no, no!” (Note from Chester:  Checks in the mail Dewey!)

We looked it up ourselves and apparently Idaho law says that “Transacting Business” means: “to engage in any commercial or other activity which is intended to or likely to produce a financial benefit, whether it is for the purpose of profit to the person who engages in the activity or for the purpose of supporting a charitable, benevolent or other nonprofit function.(Hey…you been doin a bit o’ this Uncle Jeff…ain’t you?)

Ooops, somebody got some splainin to do Lucy!… But seriously folks, what were they thinking?

Only time will tell…only Ward, Lahr and Tyler may know…tells us guys…won’t you?

Updates as necessary…stay tuned!

Calling Cd’A Press…anybody home?  Awake?

Breaking…”Reagan Republicans” Scam-dal…

…apparently they weren’t who they claimed to be!

Search “Reagan Republicans” at the Secretary of State Site:

What the heck is going on here?  Did they even exist? Why were they just “created”? Who are these guys? Where did the money go? Let’s have some answers, Ward, Lahr and Tyler!

Ronald Reagan would be ashamed!

It’s Getting Ugly Out There!…

…Screams the headline on this post at Open C’dA:

We agree and it’s going to get uglier!  The Power Cabal is losing its grip on C’dA and they can’t stand it. Even with the help of the liberal local “media”, they have lost control.  People in action, is a beautiful expression of our liberty! We believe the tide is turning and America, Kootenai County, Coeur d’Alene will be restored to their conservative roots.

Can you imagine what we could accomplish if we had real, unbiased reporting in local media?  We’re not journalists, but we can spot one when we see one.  As we stated before “A journalist, a journalist, my kingdom for a journalist!”

When the dust settles on the Republican Primary, and the Recall C’dA vote, maybe we should take some action to see if we can move them to a more “central” point of view.  How?

Can you spell “BOYCOTT”?

Hmmmmm, we may be onto something!

P.S. Get thee to the Recall C’dA office and sign that petition! (We think that would be a very good thing!)