Hey Brad Corkhill, you and your fellow LiePac Mopes Should Read This Post!…

The Knuckleheads over at LiePAC are trying to shame those informed Republican Central Committtee members, who took the right stand and voted for a resolution calling for the repeal of the 17th Amendment.

Horrors…cry the LiePAC Rats…they want to deprive us of our “Right” to vote for our Senators!  Nonsense, says Pedro Garcia…he knows the truth and here it is…


By Pedro Garcia

Before 1914, senators were not directly elected by the people. They were appointed by the state legislatures. The 17th amendment changed that, and not for the better. But why is it bad to have them be elected by the people? Isn’t that more democratic, and therefore, better? Not really.

The original intent of the founders was to have a Federalist system which consisted of individual states and a small central government with very limited powers. The idea was that the states would send the senators to Washington to represent them. If a senator started voting against the best interests of the state which he represented, he could be immediately recalled. Continue reading Hey Brad Corkhill, you and your fellow LiePac Mopes Should Read This Post!…

Interview of The Century…

We didn’t really interview these guys, but they sure make a cute couple!

DISCLAIMER: To any Knuckleheads that might read this, it is a Faux-erview. The questions are all real. The answers are all fake. If this gets your knickers in a knot…we don’t care!)


Hello Chuckleheads! Chester here, and I’m standing in front of the hesteric Fort Grounds Grill, in the beautiful Education Corridor of down town Coeur d’Alene.


An historic meeting is about to take place! After months of intense negotiation, yours truly, Chester Jester, is about to interview the so-called Dynamic-Duo of Political Kingmakers, Little Ronnie Lahr and Uncle Jeff Ward!


Our ground rules required a neutral meeting place, so the Fort Grounds Grill has graciously allowed us the use of their Republican Meeting Room. Let’s go in and get started.


Hostess: Hello, how many to….say, what’s with the get up? It’s not Halloween! Are you some kind of joker or something?


Chester: No, I’m a Jester. That’s a….well never mind. I’m here for an interview. We were told we could use the Republican Meeting Room…will you direct me there please? Continue reading Interview of The Century…

Mr. Potato Head Speaks…Through The Idaho Prosperity Fund…

An open letter to Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry d/b/a/ Idaho Prosperity Fund…



Dear Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry,

We received your schlocky political mailer today encouraging us to vote for “Republican Ed Morse”. Our first thought was, who vets your political candidates?  Mr. Potato Head???? Our second thought was – What have you been smoking…Psychedelic French Fries????

A few things we hope will correct your wacky thinking: Continue reading Mr. Potato Head Speaks…Through The Idaho Prosperity Fund…

Hey, Where’s The 3 Dem-igos, Morse, Malek and Goedde?????

They be M.I.A. according to the IFF….

“Survey? We won’t do no stinking survey!” Is that what you’re saying Ed Morse, Luke Malek and John Goedde?

Thank you Eric Redman, Toby Schindelbeck and Mary Souza for respecting our need for information on the issues!

Idaho Freedom Foundation 2014 Legislative Candidate Surveys

Check it out here:
