They’re At It Again Folks…

Remember those Waskley Wabbits claiming to be the the “Kootenai County Reagan Republicans”?

The ones, who pretended to be “Conservative”, all the while working hard to support Liberal candidates for local offices?

They’re baaaaack!

Exhibit 1, Lookey who their guest speaker was this week….so much for supporting conservatives over Liberals!

Kootenai County Reagan Republicans

Oh, and while where at it, Hey Uncle Jeff…see that little “SM” next to your name???? That stands for “Service Mark” but you know that don’t you!

You know that you can’t legally use that symbol because you were turned down by the PTO for a service mark…maybe you should fix that before someone drops a dime to the PTO!

Jeff, we though you’d turned from the Dark Side…I guess we were wrong.

Will the Real Kootenai County Reagan Republicans Please Stand UP!

We loved your great endorsement mailer you did last election!

But to Jeff Ward and the FoNee KCRR…we’re watching you!

P.S. On deck for the Pretenders is that bastion of conservative principles….Sgt. Christi Wood! Wow, bet they’ll be beating down the door for that!