Public Notice To 1st Amendment Haters!…


Apparently, “Somebody” doesn’t like our Stewie expose!

Apparently, “Somebody” thinks they can threaten people we like, to intimidate us into taking down our expose!

Apparently, “Somebody” doesn’t know that threats make us very prideful and determined in our efforts to expose Truth, Justice and The American Way! (Yes, we know Pride is a sin…but we’re not talking about that kind of Pride!)

Apparently, “Somebody” doesn’t realize that we always post TRUTH, sometimes mixed with HUMOR! (sophomoric as that humor may be)

Apparently, “Somebody” doesn’t realize that when we’re wrong we apologize, but we ain’t wrong on this! (Public records are public records and we’re going to let them see some light of day, got it “Somebody”!?)

Apparently, “Somebody” doesn’t know that WE NEVER BACK DOWN!

Apparently, “Somebody” has decided that the truth hurts their political prospects!

Apparently, “Somebody” doesn’t realize that we’re just getting started!

Apparently, we should apologize to the chubby little “Apparently Kid”!

So, to the “Somebody” who threatened a good man if we didn’t take down the Stewie post….



(P.S. Part II “The Empire Strikes Back” posts next Monday!)

“Grandfather” Green Responds!…



Dear “Chester”,

Thank you for the very kind things you often say about me. In the future, would you please be so kind as to use my current photo? I now have six grandchildren and the old photo doesn’t depict nearly enough gray hair. Finally, thank you for your pithy take on all things political in our beautiful Kootenai County!

While I don’t always agree with you, you are good for a laugh or two.


John Green, Republican Candidate for Sheriff of Kootenai County

(Chester says: Only a “laugh or two”????? We better try harder!)

Spencer Backs Stewart?….Things That Make Us Go Hmmmmmmm



And so we begin…

Our promised expose on Kootenai County Commissioner David Stewart…

It seems that the Not So Dynamic Duo of Stewart and his ersatz campaign manager, none other than Larry “The Lounge Lizard” Spencer have begun their scorched earth campaign against challenger Chris Filios.

Spencer, you may recall, was the “Rocket Scientist” behind the Marc Eberlein has Alzheimer’s campaign. That farcical ludiocrity (we made that word up just for Spencer) has earned Spencer the new moniker of “Dumber than a Box O’ Rocks”! No need to reintroduce yourself to the Good Commissioner Eberlien when you see him, he’s just A-OK and as anyone who works with him can attest, his memory is just fine!

So why would Stewart hitch his wagon to the likes of LL Spencer? Welllllll, we’d speculate that Stewart doesn’t have many friends right now and Spencer, well, he doesn’t have any that we can see. Spencer you recall, likes people to think of him as a King Maker…like in Jai Nelson. Too bad for Spencer, Jai just couldn’t be controlled and was, in fact, more than a pretty face…she had an independent mind! (We’ve heard stories that Stewart claims responsibility for “scaring” Jai into not running again…we’re investigating…stay tuned!)

And then there’s Marc Eberlien who Spencer made a King, or not, as the reality shows…Marc is, by all accounts, a good and hard working public servant, who has impressed colleagues and constituents alike as a hard working and deep thinking conservative…who can’t be controlled by the likes of LL Spencer! What were you thinking Larry? Do you really think you’re that much smarter than the average bear?

Well anyway…. now on to Stewart. Did LL make him a King? As promised, this begins a serial expose on David Stewart. When he ran the first time, he assured us that he was a “successful businessman” with keen insights and vast experience in land development, home building and even the “international oil” business…we begin our story there…David Stewart…International Oil maven…NOT!

Part I

Once upon a time, in a land far away…well, ok it was really Spokane…David Stewart operated an International Oil Business…well, not quite,…which thrived…ok not so much!
Continue reading Spencer Backs Stewart?….Things That Make Us Go Hmmmmmmm

Do You Think He Was Talking About Ben?….

jg…Of course he was…

John Green sounding like a Constitutional Sheriff in this bit on the Gem State Patriot site:

Find it at this link:

The newspaper story he mentioned is here:

Coming Soon: Is Ben responsible for an economic loss to our community in millions of $$$$?

What Gun Fight?


One Of These Things Is Just Like The Other….


As the Sesame Street song should go….

Dear Brother Eric,

We Love you man, but you must go! You no longer represent our views – you represent your own!

Voting Aye on HB-513? What were you thinking????? Apparently, not about US!

We’ll miss you, but it’s time for you to go fishing!

With Real Love, (We mean it!)

Yer Pal, Chester
