Alex Barron Going to Court….Again

We wish to extend a hearty congratulations to Alex Barron for spiraling out of control faster than any political candidate in North Idaho history. If the goal was to stir up the most legal trouble, you sir would be champion. (Round of applause please)

In the latest saga of what trouble is Alex into this week, we bring you the latest…Alex is being sued by a debt collection agency. Now we at Chuckle Berries understand there are times when circumstances arise that land good people in court…but even then there is usually ample warning. Seeing this is a debt collection agency suing Alex, and not the original debtor, we know there numerous letters sent and attempts to get Alex to pay the debt(s), but those were ignored. This isn’t just a case of, “Oh I forgot to pay” a bill last month.

The issue as we see it, is Alex Barren has applied for a job with the great State of Idaho, to represent the fine voters of District 3. This means he is called a higher standard. This doesn’t mean he need be a wealthy man, but instead someone who is honest and pays his bills. With the judgements against him in California, and the tax liens on top of this latest court case…will Alex even earn a pay check if he were to be elected? The odds are he wouldn’t and will be working for free. Well as far as a check from the state is concerned. We suspect Alex would have his bread buttered by special interest groups, or get more free government hand-outs as he does now (yeah its welfare no matter what you call it).

So folks, here is where the rubber meets the road. Are you willing to vote for a guy with a criminal history, tax liens, judgements, knowing he killed his neighbor’s dog, and that he lies every time his mouth is open? Do you really feel Alex would be the best steward you can possibly elect, and that his personal affairs are all in order? (More on a different kinda affair later, wink wink). If you answered no, then it’s time to tell Alex to stop before he really gets embarrassed or to deep into trouble.

Remember, think before you vote, and don’t just vote for Alex because he’s a wheeler-dealer, or he makes you feel guilty for not voting for a black man. Alex has a deep long history of corruption, besides being a government trust fund baby, and today’s latest twist is just further proof he’s in WAY over his arrogant head.

Stay Informed,

Chester, aka Large Marge

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