Alex Barron Put into Perspective

Okay folks, we’re going to tell a tale to help our readers put Alex Barron into perspective. This is a fictitious story, but it mirrors what Alex is doing.

Let’s pretend a home grown North Idaho liberal gets sick and tired of the conservative crowd and decides to move to where he will feel appreciated. Now let’s have him move from his white CDA neighborhood to a big inner city a 1,000 miles away primarily made up of minorities. He gets there and wants to get involved in local Democrat politics, so he shows up at their meetings and shindigs wearing his bluest of shirts. He rubs elbows and tries to fit in.

After silently attending Democrat functions for a few years, said Idaho liberal decides he could be an effective leader for his new community, so he runs for office. The first thing he does is make black and white campaign signs, with the logo “Freedom and Opportunity”. Then in his campaign speeches he tells the minority base he wants to represent, that he’s just like them, and shares their passion, their history, their culture. Furthermore he tells stories about growing up as a white boy in an almost all white town in Idaho. Then things start getting fishy.  He starts bragging to people about conservative films and telling stories about how he grew up in a blighted area….only for them to find out he lived on a quiet, crime free street in a nice neighborhood by the CDA Library. Then he makes a blip on the radar for having a domestic dispute with his wife, after trying to divorce her for the second time. But to make matters worse, he makes  violent verbal threats about his political opponent, and in the process shoots his neighbor’s dog.

Stop for one moment and ask yourself. Would an inner city minority district take kindly to any of the above? Would they feel an Idaho grown boy from a semi rural area, filled with forests, pristine lakes, low crime, conservative values and space to grow, could understand their plight? Do you think they’d feel he can relate to the hardships and adversity their lives have been filled with? Furthermore, would they take kindly to him attempting to swoon them with identity politics, telling stories that might offend them?

The answers to all of these questions are no. Sure he’d have some trivial support for people that want change, but overall in this scenario he’d not be received well. This is what Alex Barron has attempted to do in North Idaho. He tells us he’s just a good old boy like us, but his upbringing and culture is different than the average Idahoan. He claims to represent our values, but consistently shows his true liberal colors. Alex speaks in generalizations, making well known basic Republican his talking points . He goes around barking violent threats against opponents and neighbors, all whilst playing the part of a drama-queen claiming Chuckle Berries and Boise Leaks are attacking his family…when it’s the opposite we are hitting him with public records and factual stories. He uses race baiting tactics to dupe voters and precinct committeemen into supporting him, lest he call them a racist (Phil Thompson, Deborah Rose, Clan Banducci, Richard Whitehead and others, you guys are smarter than this…Larry Spencer not included in the smarts part). The point, the voters of district 3 have an outsider who does not represent their values, morals, or goals that is trying to snooker them. And we do not say this because of his race…it’s his liberalism, questionable business background, history of abuse, lack of a moral compass, and constant throwing shade that we base this off of. We would treat ANY political candidate with the same degree of scorn if they behaved as Alex does.

Do yourselves a favor and step back for a minute and ask yourself if you really want a guy such as Alex representing you. Are you comfortable with his 4 page criminal history, tax liens, lawsuits, shooting a dog, threatening to harm innocent people, domestic abuse, lying to the KCRCC (more on that later), using his race as a means to get elected, and darker weirdo things that we can not reveal at this time (tick tock Alex this will be released soon).  If you are fine voting for a guy that has the morals and criminal history of a Democrat….are you really conservative? Alex, you’re no Carlton (queue the dance), so stop trying to pull the wool over people’s eyes….they’re wisening up to your nonsense.

Chester, aka Willis

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