Alex Survived an Abortion???

We were going to take a break from the all Alex show and cover a few other things. But sometimes Alex opens his mouth so big we’re forced to reply. Today is one of those days. Understand, if we were to post about every lie Alex tells, it’d be near a full-time job. Homey don’t have time for that.

Today on the Alex Barron for Senate page, he made another post about his “Historic” run. (We don’t think word means what he thinks it means….) He was a guest on a podcast outta Spokane on Friday. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN There were a few laughable things Alex said that made us chuckle, but towards the end of the podcast around the 25:30 mark he dropped a MAJOR stink bomb. He claimed to be the survivor of an abortion. Yeah you heard us right, go listen yourself if you don’t believe.

It’s well known there are survivors of abortion every year, and a few have been able to give their tremendous testimony in anti-abortion speeches and rallies. But what sets most of those apart from Alex, is they were born post Roe vs. Wade, which happened January 22, 1973. Alex was born in 1969, when abortions were still illegal. This was when the majority of abortions happened in car garages, back alleys, bathrooms, nail salons, and other such places. [Edit: Yes some medical doctors performed abortions, but statistics show they were outnumbered in some municipalities by non-Medical doctors pre 1973. A common street abortion technique was to use a household cleaner like bleach or toilet cleaner. There are also stories about people using coat hangers, auto wrenches, and even ice picks. Regardless of the method, it is still murder. Our point is pre 1973 survival rate for an abortion was lower.] Mind you there are a few stories of pre-1973 abortion survivors, but they are very rare…Alex would be famous if he was one. Even the number of abortion survivors that have come forward from post 1973 is extremely small in comparison to the millions of innocent children slaughtered every year. State reports show possibly between 500-1000 from 2010-2020 in the US. Go to ABORTIONSURVIVORS.COM to learn more about abortion survivors, and to hear their beautiful testimonies.

Another thing to consider, due to the horrific nature of how an abortion is performed, it often leaves survivors with physical or neurological ailments. With this, prior to recent legislation that some states have passed, the odds of a child surviving an abortion was lower. Not just that, but pre-1973 abortions were so barbaric the mortality of the mothers was much higher. And the odds of a baby surviving one was slim to none. It’s not a stretch of the imagination to state if Alex was a pre-1973 abortion survivor, he could be world famous. But Alex rolls off his tongue that he too is now an abortion survivor, and wants us to believe it! Honestly I can’t wait to hear of Alex’s military service at Pearl Harbor, that he survived the sinking of the Titanic, and how he helped out on the Underground Railroad….Alex is a hero in his own mind. Maybe we’ll learn Alex invented the interwebs, along with Al Gore….the possibilities of his heroic feats are endless.

One thing to consider with what Alex said, is he has spoke at many events, and this has yet to come up. Even Alex’s friends say he has narcissistic tendencies, always gunning to be the center of attention and to be heard. If Alex was an abortion survivor, then why has he not been a keynote speaker at the numerous anti-abortion rallies that have taken place in Idaho? He could be a guest on national media shows, and speak at national anti-abortion rallies! An attention hungry guy like Alex would relish at the opportunity to be in the limelight.

Alex we know you lie as often as the wind changes, but dude this is too far. What you’ve done is an insult to those that have survived abortions. This is nothing more than you attempting to garner the sympathetic vote by stealing the thunder of real abortion survivors. Hopefully voters are smart enough to reason their way around this lie. Either stop this silly game and admit you’re a fraud, or provide proof to corroborate your claim. Why not provide a copy of your birth certificate?

Praying we live to see the day abortion is outlawed in Idaho, and the United States.  May the innocent stop being murdered.


2 thoughts on “Alex Survived an Abortion???”

  1. This was when the majority of abortions happened in car garages, back alleys, bathrooms, nail salons, and other such places.

    I’m pro-life, but Chester – that statement is just not true. Pre-R v W most abortions were still performed by doctors.

  2. Yes some doctors did perform abortions. But pre ’73, so did auto mechanics, hair stylists, moms, and other non medical professionals. The point we’re making is the odds of survival were far less. We’ll make an addition to the post. Thank you.

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