Flag Wave for Trump in CDA- May 2nd

Join the a Sign and Flag wave for Trump on this Saturday, May 2 and 10 am. Bring your flags, signs, and a happy energetic smile! A huge thanks for Charlene Baron for her hard work in organizing this event. Keep up the great work.

Chester might even crawl outta his cave and join in the fun. I’ll be the one with the clueless look on my face, munching on Cheetohs. On second thought, they have MSG and more toxins than a can of Raid in them now. So scratch that part.


Help Wanted

Since the reboot of Chuckle Berries, we’ve been able to build a nice readership base, and are still growing. Our goal isn’t to be the biggest, but instead to expose political corruption, and Rinos masquerading as conservatives in Idaho. As such, this has been an extremely busy election year, with more Rinos stomping around than we can remember in recent history! Continue reading Help Wanted

The Best Support Money Can Buy

We’ve had several people contact us about endorsements Doug-No has recently put up on his campaign Facebook page. So we had ourselves a looksie to see what the noise was about. So far he’s posted two endorsements, and they’ll likely be others before the primary. Continue reading The Best Support Money Can Buy