Is DooFo now the Facebook police?

246834_226060084086158_6922385_nIn typical his groveling liberal manner DooFo…you know the blogger and not journalist…has locked his talons into another unsuspecting victim. Instead of giving an attaboy to any of the victors in yesterday’s election, he poured over Facebook looking for someone out of line. Today’s victim was James McMillan our fellow conservative friend from Shoshone County. Well DooFo, lick the drool off your scoured lips and pay attention you ungracious old goat!

If you’ll rewind the clock back to the 2012 primary election there was a bit of turmoil in precinct 16 of Kootenai County. Seems as though Ed Morse’s wife voted via absentee ballot and on election day at the ballot box…and she thought we weren’t looking. Thankfully the elections department was saavy enough to catch the second vote and throw it out (How did she get a second ballot in the first place?  We’d love to know.)

Well the point of this recap is DooFo was made aware of the situation in 2012 at least twice, and again in 2014 according to our sources. Every time he deleted the comments on his blog and let it be known the action’s of Ed’s wife don’t reflect negatively on his campaign. Yet today, the same driveling DooFo skewered James and is now claiming it will negatively taint Shannon McMillan’s tenure as state rep.

How can this be DooFo? How can a possible criminal offense not harm a state rep’s reputation, but a silly venting Facebook post does? Sounds like the ramblings of crazed sore loser…can someone check DooFo’s diaper and please quit giving him prunes.

James, job well done in winning your election! The team at Chuckleberries gives a hat tip to both you and your mother.



More Insult to Injury


Well folks here you have it, yet another insult to the fine citizens of Coeur d’Alene…as if things couldn’t get worse. After approving the controversial anti-gay bias, much to the chagrin of the citizens, and on top of building Little Disneyland…err I mean McRuin Park, they’ve added the icing on the cake.  No it’s not a life size yard gnome that looks like Mike Kennedy, it’s a grand entrance entitled ‘Under the Rainbow’. Now citizens will have a constant reminder of how the rainbow cult was forced upon this once fine town. This is no mere coincidence.

Our only question, is this where the gay pride parade the City Council desires is to start or finish?  Maybe Mike Kennedy can wear a rainbow colored unicorn outfit on opening day…it’d be a disgusting, yet fitting touch. No Mike that’s not an open invitation, put the outfit back in the closet…

Folks it’s high time for a conservative, fiscally responsible city council and mayor in town…and them candidates from liberal Balance North Idaho and Reagan ‘Tax Lien’ Republicans ain’t gonna do.

Chester ‘Utterly Disgusted’ The Jester

Politics for Dummies, brought to you by Dan Gookin


In typical clumsy fashion,

Coeur d’Alene city councilman stuck his foot in his mouth yet again. In an excellent letter to the editor to the CDA Press by Kootenai County Republican precinct commiteeman Bruce Maddux, Gookin said the following in the comment section:

“Bruce, I’m sorry the KCRCC is dysfunctional. There.  BTW, you are not an elected official. You are a party official. See? Dysfunction.”

Um, hold the phone Dan it seems that Mr. Maddux in fact received 58 votes to defeat contender David Hill, who had 56. Gee golly Mister Gookin, seems someone needs to give you a copy of Politics for Dummies.

And in case the book doesn’t sink in, here is a link to the results from the 2012 primary for Kootenai County.