…same old Lawyer, Lobbyist, Lawman shtick…Yawn!
How much money do you figure the RINO’s have spent on mail over the last 3 days, trying to beat the Conservatives?
Anyway, we thought we should help The Hutchster (our new name for such a cool guy) with his image a bit, so…a couple of Chuckle Fan’s came up with some slightly redone mailer suggestions that stroke his mighty ego as much as it apparently needs to be stroked… [with a dose of reality at the end!)
Here is what the Hutchster sees when he looks in the mirror (text is important too):
On Sunday, when his Wyatt Earp costume is being laundered, Keith sees…
On Mondays, after a hard day of playing video games, Keith sees…
On Tuesdays, after a hard day of playing Dodge Ball with the neighbor kids his age, Keith sees…
On Thursdays, after spending a campaign planning session with Jeff Ward and Ron Lahr, Keith sees…
What Keith looks like to us…EVERYDAY!…
[Note from Chester: Thanks to Mr. G for the tip and forward! Thanks to DMan for the fantasy Hutch art…Thanks to Eagle Eye’s partner for the reality Keith art!]