You gonna quit that easy cdaopa?
Chester says he’s sorry if he hurt your feelings…We told him not to be too hard on himself because Liberals have no feelings!
You gonna quit that easy cdaopa?
Chester says he’s sorry if he hurt your feelings…We told him not to be too hard on himself because Liberals have no feelings!
…Hey wait; this one is not a joke!
Anderson, Eskridge and Keough, Idaho’s Champion Big Spenders! Continue reading Did you hear the one about the 3 Libs pretending to be Conservatives?…
There’s a storm front coming (mood indigo)
White water running and the pressure is low
Storm front coming (mood indigo)
Small craft warning on the radio
…Billy Joel said it best!
We’ll be at the Reagan Republicans meeting today, noon at Fedora’s – 1726 West Kathleen Avenue Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815 (208)765-8888.
Update: It was a bust! Boring, boring, boring…Needless to say this didn’t happen…”Barry McHugh will be speaking…about how he is going to demand that KCRR start obeying Idaho Campaign Law…(we can hope…can’t we?) |
Join us, won’t you?
Jeff and Ron, haven’t you sullied the name of Ronald Reagan enough yet? You should do the honorable thing and resign immediately!
That’s our opinion and we’re stickin’ to it!
We heard Dan Gookin has quit the board of KCRR.
Sorry Dan, for doubting your good sense once you looked at the facts.
We run our own intelligence unit here and we’re not very intelligent…plus our agents are a little slow.
Last one to quit KCRR, please turn out the lights!