New Feature: Uncle Jeff’s Guide To Political Truth and Ethics Vol. I (Starts Tomorrow)
A Glamour Shot and a stupid post card!
Form over substance fools stupid Republican Candidates Strategery victims every time!
Flags in the arm pit are a nice touch Barry…shows your patriotic spirit…NOT!
Reagan Republican Endorsements are conservatives? The only candidates who have nothing to say so they say…well, NOTHING!
I’ve been outed…see you tonight…same Bat Time…same Bat Place…bring your camera!
Don’t worry, your Liberal secrets are safe with us…er me!
….out of the KKRR / Stategery pot on the stove…
Latest candidates to fall victim are Barry McHugh, Dan Green and Todd Tondee, who have apparently ponied up the money for Strategery to take over their campaigns.
We’ve seen the latest collection of mail pieces of all the KCRR “endorsed” candidates and they sure look like cookie cutter pieces to us. Wonder who is doing the graphics for these guys…supposedly a conservative who badly needs the business, but doesn’t really want to be tied to the motley crew of moderates and Liberals that KCRR / Strategery has signed up as “clients”.
Uncle Jeff should understand that Kootenai County folks are just not that stupid to fall for the “Conservative” that is prominently displayed on the fantasy flyers they are mailing out to absentee voters.
They better start thinking about lawyering up – as they just continue to dig their hole deeper and deeper. Hey Strategery clients…you’re the frogs…better jump out before the pot really boils!
Question: Who would be responsible to pay the tax due on any money that KCRR brought in in violation of their “IRC Section 501(c)(4)” status???? Board members, past and present should consider that!
Barry, might you know?
Stay Tuned Chuckle Club!
Breaking…Rumor around town is that Larry Spencer scored a huge cash pot at a fundraiser for his campaign against Dan Green…we’ve heard between $14,000 and $19,000…that’s some serious campaign Green, ain’t it Dan!
Doofuss is the best we could come up with because we’re not feeling particularly creative at the moment…
The English language has no words that can adequately describe the ignorance exhibited by someone who would make such a statement as this:
“Last but not least, Mr. [John] Green has served as legal counsel for Phil Hart, which calls into question how he would interpret and enforce the law as sheriff.”
Yet those are, purportedly, the words of one Brad Corkhill, “King Maker” extraordinaire (in his own mind), in describing the reason for endorsing Keith Hutcheson and Ben Wolfinger over John Green in the Kootenai County Sheriff’s race. (Mr. Corkhill your claims regarding Mr. Green’s “peculiar views advocating the arrest of federal law enforcement officers” are dishonest at best, but we’ll save that for a later post!)
So let’s look at the scorecard that led to this “important” endorsement…
John Green has over 35 years of Criminal Justice experience that includes: A Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice (with Honors), a Doctor of Jurisprudence Degree (he obtained his degrees while working full time), 10 years as a working peace officer in Houston, Texas having worked in virtually every job a Deputy Sheriff can perform (and in a high crime, major metropolitan area at that), including, but not limited to Jail Deputy, Patrol Deputy, Detective (promoted by competitive exam), Sergeant (promoted by competitive exam), Jail and Patrol Supervisor, over 2000 hours of continuing legal education, advanced peace officer certification, certified law enforcement trainer, experienced law enforcement educator, experienced law enforcement counselor, 19 years of full time law practice including, but not limited to, criminal and civil trials, litigation, contract negotiation, mediation, taxation, business law, public policy, civil rights, taxpayer fraud, police officer representation, legislation drafting and law enforcement policy and procedure. Plus, he wrestled an alligator and a boa constrictor in the line of duty. His work history as a Peace Officer is public record and we called his College and Law School and verified that he graduated as he claims. He’s also a member, in good standing, of the State Bar of Texas and Washington State Bar and he is admitted to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, the U.S. Tax Court and the U.S. Court of Claims.
Let’s compare him to…
Keith Hutcheson claims he was a full time Fireman in the “Washington D.C. area” from 1989 to 1996. (Let us see your records Keith!) From 1997 to 2005 he was a Deputy with Kootenai County working as a K-9 handler. His POST records show that he has accumulated 2,451 training hours, but over half of them were related to dog training. He has no college degree and has not managed to take any college classes or advanced education since becoming an officer. From 2005 to 2011 he was a political appointee of the Coeur d’Alene Tribe, serving as Chief of Police. In that position he had no independent discretion for budgetary or policy matters. He was controlled directly by the Tribal Council. Other than his POST records we can’t verify anything Keith claims in his BIO.
So…Where’s the Beef, Keith?
We agree that John Green is “A DEDICATED AND EXPERIENCED LAWMAN WHO KNOWS THE LAW!” which is how he would probably “interpret and enforce the law as sheriff” Mr. Corkhill! (And you guys are the “Reasonable Republicans”?)
Keith Hutcheson is an experienced Police Dog Handler – PERIOD! (But he’s a nice guy…or so we’ve heard.)
The bottom line is that the good ole’ boys know that if John Green is elected Sheriff they will not be able to control him and their fiefdom will be shaken to the core.
With Keith…not so much!
By the way, we found it kind of curious that Vaughn Ward is on the board of the group that “dissed” John Green. Mr. Green was a vocal supporter of Raul Labrador and according to campaign disclosure documents Green even gave Labrador $$$. Sore loser Vaughn?
P.S. Why won’t the Cd’A Police Officers Association make public the tape recording of the Sheriff’s Forum held at the Library? Is it because John Green made the other candidates look like less than Sheriff material?
P.S.S. We didn’t talk about Ben because he is a Democrat and virtually everyone in the Republican Party knows it. Aside from that, in 28 years he has managed to accumulate even less education and training than Hutcheson.