Tell your friend to send us a comment and tell us why we should get behind him.
He’s claimed credit for getting people to run when he played no part in their decision.
We’ll consider what he has to say.
Tell your friend to send us a comment and tell us why we should get behind him.
He’s claimed credit for getting people to run when he played no part in their decision.
We’ll consider what he has to say.
We get lots of comments here at CBO. You may wonder why so few of them appear.
Well, quite simply we have a NO JERKS policy. So, if you want to comment on a posting, do it in a civil manner without profanity, name calling or defamation and we’ll post it…even if we disagree.
By the way, we get lot’s of information via comments that the writer requests we not post. We promise this – If you post a comment and ask us not to repost, we will always honor that request and we will never divulge your information to anyone. Conservative intel always appreciated!
Note to “Ron Burgundy” – We know who you are…better come clean before it’s too late! Your “Pied Piper” will turn on you in a “New York minute” when the you know what hits the fan.
P.S. “Why Not” you’re not just a Jerk, you’re a coward too!
US Congress – Raul Labrador
Prosecutor – Donald Gary
Sheriff – John Green
Commissioner 1 – Marc Eberlein
District 2 Senate – Steve Vick
District 3 Senate – Bob Nonini
District 2A House – Vito Barbieri
District 2B House – Phil Hart
District 3A House – Ron Mendive
District 3B House – Jack Schroeder
District 4A House – Jeff Ames
Commissioner 3 – Stay Tuned!
We’ll be giving more info on each of these candidates soon!
…well…very good!
The KCRR sent out an absentee ballot “chase” mail piece listing their “conservative” candidates.
Only trouble is, there are only 3 Conservatives on the list…Raul Labrador, Steve Vick and Bob Nonini. Frank Henderson is a slightly right tilting moderate at best.
The rest? Well…you know how we like to laugh here at CBO!
Stay tuned for the skinny on the real Conservatives in the race and why it ain’t the pretenders listed by KCRR.
(Can’t you just feel the panic coursing through the veins of the “brains” behind this scheme?)
…but try they will.
Chuckle Investigators have heard whispers that the Reagan Republicans are going to try hide behind the “Reagan Republican Victory Fund”, to which we say….Waaaaaaa Haaaaaa Haaaaa!
LOL…ROFL…and all that.
That would be like the 4 year old said to his little sister…”Close your eyes Sally and they can’t see you!”
Stay tuned Chuckle Club…