Sniff, Sniff…we smell a scandal brewing!

Listen up Chuckle Club, this just in….

Our crack investigative team (amazing what you can find with a google search) has just informed us of a potential scandal brewing with our “friends” over at The Reagan Republicans… based on their rather curious relationship with Strategery. (Owned by Uncle Jeff, Ron Liar and others)

It appears that they might be playing a little fast and loose with the statutes, rules, regulations and other provisions of law (including the Internal Revenue Code) that regulate conduct pertaining to political activities and campaigns.

Some preliminary questions come to mind…such as… Just which candidates have paid Strategery for campaign guidance? How many Strategery clients hired them and then received an endorsement from Reagan Republicans? Who applied for the Reagan Republicans tax-exempt status? Why are Reagan Republicans members jumping ship? Why did Todd Tondee get the endorsement of Reagan Republican’s over Marc Eberlein? Why did Reagan Republicans change their by-laws the same time as Strategery was created? How is it that the Jelly Bean Ball’s purpose was to raise money for “Republican” candidates when that purpose would not be permissible according to Reagan Republicans tax-exempt status? Why hasn’t Reagan Republicans filed any Sunshine Reports as a Political Committee? Who paid for the mail campaign that was processed at Coeur d’Alene Honda last night? What, exactly is the definition of “Strategery”? (Sounds kind of slick and weasely…don’t it!?) Did Strategery orchestrate the un-invite Sheriff Mack coup? Who told Uncle Jeff that Sheriff Mack was going to endorse John Green? Were any Reagan Republican funds spent in the Sack Mack effort?

If what we think has been going on, has indeed been going on, Uncle Jeff has (in the words of Ricky Ricardo)…some splainin’ to do!

Conspiring minds want to know!!!!!

P.S. You know how we like to laugh, but this is no laughing matter!  They can run…but they can’t hide.

Tina Jacobson…Champion of Conservatives…Nightmare of Crybabies

All Chuckle Club members agree that Tina Jacobson is a great American!  Tina is motivated by her principles, which just happen to be the same principles that motivated our Founding Fathers.  In observing Tina for years, it is apparent that she is selfless and dedicated to the values of grassroots Idaho Republicans.  It is these Republicans who pay their own way to the Idaho State GOP convention every two years and fight it out over the various planks of the GOP state platform.  We appreciate all of those grassroots activists who have given the Idaho GOP such a good platform.

The platform is a statement of what the Idaho Republican Party stands for.  It is a statement to voters as to what they ought to get when they vote for a Republican candidate.  And in Idaho, the GOP platform is very conservative.  Anyone who claims to be a conservative needs to pay more than lip service to that platform.  Unfortunately, there is a lot of “lip service politics” going on in the Gem State.  Tina Jacobson is the “Real Deal”; she walks the walk and talks the talk.

You can find the Idaho GOP platform here:

We were very pleased when it was announced at Saturday’s Lincoln Day dinner at the Coeur d’Alene Resort that Tina Jacobson had won the “County Chairman of the Year” award for Tina’s service to the Kootenai County GOP.  Tina was also a past winner of the “Republican Woman of the Year” award, which she very much deserved as well.  Imagine how much more good Tina could have done for the GOP if all the male toddlers who are trapped in adult bodies had supported her instead of thrown barriers in her path. (Be sure to see our next round of Knucklehead and Chucklehead Awards on April 1)

We are also reminded of another recent award Tina received.  This was from the legislative delegation from District 3, unquestionable the most conservative delegation in the Idaho Legislature.  (Senator Steve Vick, and Representatives Vito Barbieri and Phil Hart)  These guys obviously appreciate Tina’s tireless, principle driven hard work and her willingness to stand up for what she believes in.

The Esther Award acknowledges Republican women who put God before self while furthering the “American Ideal” that is the heart of the conservative Republican Party.

Congratulations Tina Jacobson!

The insane are embracing each other…

…over at HBO…or so we’ve heard!

We here at CBO have a different Motto… “Embrace Liberty!”

Can’t you just feel the fear simmering under DFO’s band of anonymous cowards (there’s about 10 of them blogging under different names) as he cheers on their feeble attempts at humor? They are, perhaps, a bit worried that Donald Gary and John Green (and the rest of the great Conservative candidates) might win and that would mark the end of their libelous reign of terror! (Now that’s an INSANELY great thought!)

Maybe DFO isn’t just a Coward Monger…maybe he’s “Chief of the Asylum”!? (PARODY WARNING …We’re kidding of course…we have no knowledge of any mental defect suffered by DFO…except that he’s a Liberal masquerading as a journalist…but wait, would that be redundant?)

Stay tuned Chuckle Club… things are getting interesting!

COMING SOON: The secret meeting that wasn’t…secret!  Conspiring minds want to know!

PS and Attention Spencer…time to choose…you’re with Doo-ane or you’re with the Conservatives…choose wisely!