Political Charity

Will all candidates who have not hired Jeff Ward to consult on their campaigns please send him a donation…apparently he’s off his meds…

“Jeffrey Ward is the Senior Consultant at The Strategery Group and brings diverse experience spanning 23 years of working in public relations, marketing and political consulting. Ward has developed the reputation as one of Idaho’s top strategists and communicators. Called by the Coeur d’Alene Press a “political heavyweight” he is widely considered the architect of the decisive 2010 Republican and 2011 conservative electoral victories in Kootenai County.”

How do you spell D.E.L.U.S.I.O.N.A.L?


And the award for the best verbal black eye to a Liberal goes to…

Brent Regan!  Woo Hoo, fist pumps and all that…

Local Eye Doc – Justin Stormo Gipson took a hit…well deserved we might add…when he made a feeble attempt to dis Rick Santorum’s position on contraception and “when life begins”..you should stick to eye’s Doc… his comments are not worth repeating, but this is…

How did Brent Regan deliver the verbal (well written anyway) one-two, to the very Liberal orbit of the very misguided Doc Stormo G? … well, with this:

“Dr. Gipson is committing intellectual malpractice when he says “Mr. Santorum wants to prohibit people from using birth control because he has drawn his line in the sand at fertilization.”

Mr. Santorum’s faith teaches that unique life begins at conception, and indeed the unique DNA that went on to become Dr. Gipson was first expressed at that point. The word “conception” is a clue. After this initial, critical step there are many following steps. One is Gastrulation where the morphology of the embryo changes from spherical to toroidal, a tube where one end will develop into the mouth and the an*us at other end. Tragically, 20% of the time this process is reversed and the ends are swapped. These embryos will develop into liberals.

Faith teaches morality, not law. Mr. Santorum has not proposed banning of birth control. His opponents claim that he wants that, but there are no facts to support that diagnosis.”

Whaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa!  (Sorry, we shouldn’t make light of the suffering of dumb animals Liberals…BTW, no doctor was actually harmed in the posting of Brent’s comments)

Way to go Brent!

Sheriff’s Forum Tonight…

Let the “games” begin!

The Coeur d’Alene Police Officers Association will be hosting a forum with the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Candidates at 6:00 pm in the Community Room of the Coeur d’Alene Public Library.

“Hutch’s” Huckleberry Hounds will be out in full force trying to trip up John Green, the candidate with the most extensive and obviously well rounded professional resume.

Also appearing will be Ben “I’m not a Democrat…really” Wolfinger and Bob “I endorsed Kennedy, too” Foster.  (Joking aside, Foster has a pretty decent resume)

Adam Johnson will be tonight’s comic relief.

DFO of HBO fame will be there so he can get to the bottom of just how “conservative” John Green is…

Stay tuned Chuckle Club; this is going to be an interesting race!

Hijacking Heritage….

Monday former Congressman Bill Sali released a letter to the members of the House of Representatives of the Idaho Legislature.  The letter was about pending legislation, House Bill 510 introduced by Sali which would allow for a license plate displaying our “In God We Trust” national motto.  The Statement of Purpose of House Bill 510 reads,

“This legislation will create a National Motto specialty license plate. Part of the fees collected for these license plates will go to the American Heritage Foundation to provide materials for purposes such as helping to educate the public regarding the founding principles of the United States of America, promoting citizenship and patriotism and promoting honor and respect for positions of public service and authority, including military service and veterans, law enforcement, educators, firefighters, first responders and elected offices.”

According to the Sali letter, there have been attempts to derail the legislation.  Sali wrote “Sadly, some have attacked out intentions.  A Spokesman-Review Editorial claimed we intended to “pay Bill Sali”. Also Rep. Phyllis King recently appeared on KIVI TV claiming that the license plate fees would “go to” Director Sali “personally” to “line his own pockets”.

Sali’s letter goes on to state that as a non-profit organization that adheres to the transparency and reporting requirements of the IRS, such behavior on the part of any of the directors would be impossible.  The letter also states that American Heritage Foundation will also adhere to the standards of Charity Navigator, a private organization that insures its members follow best management practices in the running of their charities.

We heard that House Transportation Vice Chairman Rep. Julie Ellsworth is attempting to amend HB 510 to remove from the bill the American Heritage Foundation and replace it with the Idaho Food Bank.  Evidentially Rep. Ellsworth does not think that  “educat[ing] the public regarding the founding principles of the United States of America” as so stated in the bill’s Statement of Purpose is a worthy cause.  It appears the chairman of the committee; Rep. Joe Palmer, supports the Ellsworth’s attempt to amend the legislation.

Specialty License plate bills have been somewhat controversial in the legislature.  Some members believe that we should not have any specialty license plates in Idaho.  A handful of members will vote against every specialty license plate bill every time.  Noe one knows of any other attempt to do what Ellsworth is trying to do, and that is to strip out of a specialty license bill the organization that brought the bill to the legislature and replace it with another organization that had nothing to do with the drafting of the legislation.  We also don’t know of any specialty license plate bill that has ever failed to get through the legislative process.

We think conservatives should support former Congressman Sali is his attempt to provide for an “In God We Trust” specialty license plate.  If you agree, please contact the members of the House Transportation Committee and tell them pass HB510 without any amendments.  You may call them at (208) 332-1000.  Or send them an e-mail.   Below are listed the members of that committee:

Chair Joe Palmer                   jpalmer@house.idaho.gov
Vice Chair Julie Ellsworth    jellsworth@house.idaho.gov
JoAn E. Wood                        jwood@house.idaho.gov
Leon E. Smith                       lsmith@house.idaho.gov
Scott Bedke                           sbedke@house.idaho.gov
Richard Wills                         rwills@house.idaho.gov
Phil Hart                                phart@house.idaho.gov
Bob Nonini                            bnonini@house.idaho.gov
Marv Hagedorn                      mhagedorn@house.idaho.gov
Linden B. Bateman                lbatemen@house.idaho.gov
Frank N. Henderson               fhenderson@house.idaho.gov
Jeff Nesset                              jnesset@house.idaho.gov
Shirley G. Ringo                    sringo@house.idaho.gov
Phylis K. King                       pking@house.idaho.gov
William M. Killen                 wkillen@house.idaho.gov