Is Idaho Ron Paul Country? Kind of looking that way…

Ron Paul at Twin Falls, Idaho


Twin Falls, Idaho.  Today Ron Paul spoke to a crowd of over a thousand people at the Twin Falls Senior High School in Twin Falls, Idaho.  This was Congressman Paul’s first visit to the Gem State during the 2012 presidential campaign.  To an enthusiastic crowd, Congressman Paul spoke about the need to obey the Constitution and the need to return America to the principles of the founding fathers.

Congressman Paul implied that America is no longer a republic, but is now a pure democracy.  He reasoned that free countries are richer than those that are oppressed by excessive taxation and regulation.   Paul said “We have to recommit ourselves to believing what a free country is all about.  And in a free country you always have more wealth.”  He also said, “We need more defenders of liberty in Washington and less lobbyists.”

Paul said “When the republic comes back we won’t have an income tax any longer.  And with respect to our Constitution, we will have sound money, we will have a gold and silver standard, we will not have bills of credit, and we won’t have a federal reserve system.”  He also said, “If it is our life and our liberty, we ought to have the ability and the right to keep the fruits of our labor.”

After calling the many wars the United States has been involved in recently illegal, Paul made the point that we have been trumping up charges against our opponents to justify invading them.  About the Patriot Act, Paul said, “I was pretty annoyed when they passed the Patriot Act, and I voted against it.  Now if they would have given that bill a proper name like “Repeal the Fourth Amendment Act” it probably would not have passed.  You can be pretty sure that whatever name Congress gives a bill, it probably does the opposite.”

Paul talked about the plight of the poor, and noted that all American’s are getting poorer and poorer.  According to Paul, this is a result of the inefficient spending on the part of a government that has grown too large while spending a huge part of our GDP unwisely and crowds out private enterprise.

The Congressman encouraged the crowd to educate themselves on the principles of limited government, on economics, on banking and on the ideals of our founding fathers.  He told the crowd that they were on the winning side as many people across the country are becoming interesting in the foundational principles of freedom and liberty and that these concepts are getting more and more popular.

For the next few days, Congressman Paul’s Pacific Northwest visit includes the following event locations in Idaho and Washington:
Friday, February 17, 2012

4:00 p.m. PST
University of Idaho Moscow Rally
U. of Idaho Commons – Student Union Ballroom
Moscow, ID 83884

7:30 p.m. PST
Spokane Washington Rally
Spokane Convention Center – Ballroom 100ABC
334 West Spokane Falls Blvd
Spokane, WA 99201

Saturday, February 18, 2012

12:30 p.m. MST
Boise Rally
CenturyLink Arena
233 South Capitol Boulevard
Boise, ID 83702

Election Coverage to Begin Soon

We will be starting our 2012 election coverage soon, with special emphasis on…

Sheriff –  County Commissioner – State Representative & State Senate

Will we be fair and impartial?  No way…we’ll have an unbelievably biased Conservative slant!

Who is Conservative you ask? A Conservative is someone who believes in limited government, low taxes, personal responsibility and NO Pandering!


Drum Roll Please….and the Winners are….

Well, the voting has closed, the ballots have been counted and the winners are…

The first ever Chuckle Champion Award goes to…

Mary Souza and Kerri Rankin Thoreson, it was a tie!  Here’s why we think these fine ladies need recognition as our first ever Chuckle Champions:

Mary Souza is a tireless defender of open government and we all owe her a big “thank you” for that.  Through her newsletter and blog she has opened our eyes to the empowerment of open government and the enslavement of the “good ole boy” network that keeps hiding in the shadows as it attempts to co-opt the will of the voters.  Thank you Mary and keep it up!

Kerri Rankin Thoreson gets the nod for her tireless efforts to…well…keep us smiling, and we like to smile here at Chuckleberriesonline!  Kerri is not only a dedicated public servant, but also a tireless advocate for our beloved North Idaho.  Kerri is always showing us the best side of things, something rare in these days of doom, gloom and economic jitters.  Thank you Kerri… keep cheering us up!

That’s the good, now for the…ugly…er funny…

Our first ever Chucklehead award goes to none other than….Doo-ane Harrasmussen (Not his real name of course…this is a parody site folks…any relationship to or suggestion of any person real or imagined is purely intentional.)

What, pray tell, of the plethora of events, acts or statements that Doo-ane could possibly have engaged in or made wins him this esteemed “honor”?  It was easy…Doo-ane has decided to teach those rascally Conservatives a lesson by getting his own candidate for State Representative…none other than Ed Morse. (Why doesn’t he just run himself?)

Doo-ane’s latest antics stem from his avowed goal of wresting control of the Kootenai County Republican Party from the… dreaded Conservatives… in order to regain his rightful place as EM-POOR-ER and Kootenai King Maker…in his own mind at least.

Waaaa…Haaaa….Haaaa LOL and all of that!  Doo-ane, you gave us a belly roll laugh on that one…Doo-ane and Ed Morse…Ed Morse and Doo-ane.  Thanks and congratulations! (No…really…we mean congratulations…you deserve it.)

More on Doo-ane and Ed’s tag team partner Mark Fisher to follow…

And finally, the bad ….

Our first ever Knucklehead award goes to… Adam Johnson, ersatz candidate for Kootenai County Sheriff. Mr. Johnson’s distinction is that he is the only candidate to have spent the night in the Kootenai County Jail as an overnight “guest”.  For what it’s worth, Adam was runner up for our Chucklehead award. If the election were not such a serious matter, he’d have likely been a Chucklehead instead of a Knucklehead.

Congratulations Adam Johnson….NOT!



Stay tuned…next awards when it strikes our fancy!