Libelous Larry da Lizard Strikes Again….

This post started as an email conversation we had with a dedicated reader. We’re calling it a guest post, because parts are from that email. We did add some filler to help connect the dots better…plus a few chuckles..

Lizard Larry has had a busy time on Facebook the past month. In typical da Liz style, if you oppose him you are the bad guy and he is the hero you never wanted. There are too many instances to cover in one post, so we’ll just hit a few highlights. One thing we found in common is when people call him out on his malarkey, he lays on the personal insults, making sure to say as much libelous nonsense as he can. Why? Because he thinks he can slither about and do as he please with no consequences. He’s gotten away with libel for so long, he thinks he’s above the law.

Of late we saw was his deep “Assessment” of the February KCRCC meeting. If you’ll recall he showed up with a big ole yellow bucket of popped corn, ’cause he knew a show was to be seen. What many don’t know is we’ve had several reliable sources tell us da Liz put Stewie up to saying what he said during that meeting. Being the attention whore he is, the next day da Liz posted on Duane Rasmussen’s Facebook page his authoritative assessment. But he added his own personal stabs and libel hurled at Dan Green and Marc Eberlein. He then cut and pasted this slime in several Facebook groups, and on a few pages. Larry was a hero in his own warped mind, and was letting us know he is the smartest man in the Pacific Northwest. Remember he’s the true conservative, the rest of us are just idiots.

Next Larry set his sights on anyone that was supporting a different sheriff’s candidate than him. Oppose da Liz and get da libel. One of the most outlandish was an open attack on Richard Whitehead and one of his supporters. In typical Larry style, he called them a “cute couple”, knowing full well they are not married to one another. He also knew beforehand they each had their separate marriages. The picture was nothing more than a photo op. It’s not uncommon for someone to pose with a political candidate. Larry knew this, but hurled his dirty diapers anyways. He didn’t post this picture once but on at least three or more separate occasions, each time telling the lie again. Then he perpetuated his libel in comment sections over and over again. Even when corrected, he still went into one of his long obnoxious rants feigning ignorance….drama queens are dramatic. This isn’t the first time da Liz has accused people of infidelity, it’s common practice for him.  Pennie had this to say to Larry’s claim:

I’ve been married for 35 years since I was 19 . Still married to the same person and very upset that he would say those things.” 

But Larry wasn’t done there. This week a local contractor, Justin Cottrell asked in a private group about da Liz’s back child support and tax liens…Larry went all the shades of bonkers. Remember he only asked da Liz if what was said was true, he wanted clarification! Da Liz then accused him of being an FBI agent or informant, and claimed this man might be the reason Phil Hart lost an election and why John Green lost his court case. Seriously folks, you can’t make this kinda stuff up…we’ve often wondered what kinda stuff goes on in Larry’s noggin.  Da Liz then claimed Mr. Cottrell went around telling people they needed to issue hunting tags for hunting federal agents. Thankfully people called Larry out for his goofy accusations, making him look the part of an idiot. Mr. Cottrell issued this statement via email.

“I’ve known Larry Spencer for roughly 9 years. I supported him for his run for county commissioner in 2012. We were never close, but I thought we were on good terms. I simply asked if he could explain the documents I read about him. Others were asking, but he ignored them and attacked me. His claim that I am associated with the FBI is unfounded. And that I used that power to submarine two of my closest friends is insulting. Phil Hart has been a friend and business associate for over 12 years. I’ve counted John Green as a friend almost a decade and we speak regularly. Both laughed at his stupid claims. Also his claim that I’m issuing violent threats is false. He did come to my jobsite a few times. But each time there was normal construction banter. Never did anyone joke about killing anyone. I’ve asked the guys that worked with me about this and they agree he is wrong. I  wish to live a quiet life and not be around drama like this. Thank you for reaching out to me, Justin Cottrell”

Soon after da Liz claimed he didn’t know Deborah Rose. Yet they worked together early in the sheriff’s race to promote John Grimm. If they don’t know each other, then how do they work with the same raging fervor to libel the same groups of people? Regardless of the depth of their friendship, we’re sure most of our readers are familiar with Deb’s multiple Facebook attacks regarding the recent Athol Sheriff’s forum. In the end due to her slander on Facebook, 3 candidates backed out of the forum. She was so irked she went on a rampage, bucking and slinging snot like a mad rodeo bull.  Anyone that doubted her was an idiot at risk of being sued. On a rather humorous note, the number of people on Facebook that claim to have her blocked might be over one hundred. Every time Deb is mentioned in a thread, people come outta the woodwork to mention how she harassed and threatened to sue…so they put threw out a block. Miss Congeniality has that sorta fallout with people. Can we put her on mute at KCRCC meetings? Commie Corner would be quieter….

What’s this post gotta due with the price of baggies of hand sanitizer on the black market? First libel is a serious crime, and there is law in Idaho to protect those harmed. To the right you’ll see Idaho Statue 18-4801 and 18-4802. The punishment is up to a $5,000 fine and up to 6 months in jail. Sadly Facebook has turned into the new bullying place for people like da Liz and Little Debbie. Since no one will listen to them at political meetings any longer, they resort to bullying and harassing anyone that crosses them. As for Deb, if you really get her upset…she’ll sue you!!! We’d suggest those libeled by da Liz to sue him for libel. But remember he has a debtors line a mile long, hoping to get a meager few crumbs. As for Deb, how many lawsuits is she in right now? How many times has she been brought up on harassment charges? The best option if you feel threatened or harmed is go to law enforcement and talk to them to see if you have a solid case. If it’s just annoying, block the bullies or ignore them.

Lastly as per a suggestion in regards to Larry’s FBI post, maybe it’s time people invested in FBI hats to wear around da Liz. While you’re at it, someone has to wear ATF and CIA hats to throw him off.  Not a bad idea, just to see him sweat and cower in the corner like a scared little man.

Next time you see da Liz, be sure and ask if he’s paid his debts. It’s not libel to remind him of his tax liens….a nice twist would be to hand him a flyer as a reminder. Larry-Boy, you’ve brought this upon yourself.

Say no to da Liz!


Tuesday Random News

While not official, Chuckle Berries has heard from a few reliable sources that Pastor Tim Remington will not be running in the election. Someone get Camp Bedke a box of overpriced tissues.  As soon as we have 100% confirmation we’ll post it here. Thank you Pastor Tim!

In other news. Great googly moogly this sheriff’s race is a mud slinging hate-fest.  Notice at the epicenter stand Larry-Boy Spencer and Little Debbie Rose. Remember folks when you dig to the bottom of a rumor and either of those two jokers are involved…its time to disregard the rumor. They each create so much drama, they should start an acting school together called Tweedle’s Wheedles (see end of post for what that means). But back on point, why can’t some of the rumors circling each sheriff’s candidate get squashed already? It’s high time to put up or shut up. If there is definitive proof a candidate has skeletons in their closet, then provide it! Stop perpetuating rumors based off the lies of the aforementioned twins.

Chester’s quick take on the sheriff’s race. It’s the nastiest race we’ve seen in some time. Think Tyson vs. Holyfield, with more gnashing of teeth and smack talk.  Look there are strengths and weaknesses for each candidate. We’ll try to sift the truth from the rumors and give a line up of best to worst candidates. In the meantime we recommend voters do their own research. If you find something bad that has documentation, send it in and we’ll post it. Also a warning. Camp Norris and Camp Grimm, you both have a yahoo you need to ditch. Don’t let Lizard Larry and Little Debbie taint your campaigns…you gotta trust us on this.


Larry Da Liz Strikes Again

Speaking of the the male Tweedle Twin, we had a few savvy readers send in this little jewel from a Bonner County Facebook group today. So let’s get this straight. Lizard Larry who is almost 5 years behind on child support and has MAJOR tax and legal debt, was able to graciously spend 50 grand of his own money on a mailer? He’s just that generous of a guy he’ll drop that much change to inform voters? Hold the phone Liz. We’re quite sure you were behind that mailer, but we highly doubt you paid a dime out of your pocket. Either you bilked several people, or one of the cash cows you’ve put blinders on bankrolled it. Regardless, you flaunt this on Facebook to impress the masses to stroke your maniacal ego. (Fishing for a date?) Another point, notice how da Liz paints himself as the Godfather of Idaho Politics. Sociopath much Liz?

Honestly we’re a bit surprised da Liz isn’t behind the shortage of toilet paper at Costco, and selling it for 5 bucks a roll. Sorry for giving him that idea folks…you know you laughed.

Working hard on some big stories, with a couple of guest posts coming soon! Yes, you heard us right, we are going to allow a guest or three to write a post. By our recommendation they’ll remain anonymous. Don’t want any wild ones showing up on their doorstep at 3 in the morning smelling of cheap whiskey, a damaged ego, and heaped up regret. Cough, Cough, Larry, Alex, Cough, Cough.

Chester, with a little help tonight from a bit of Umpqua ice cream.

Wheedle means, “To influence or entice with flattery or guile”, we think it fits…

Open Questions for Alex Barron

Here is the part of the show folks where we get to ask questions of Alex Barron, in hopes he’ll open up with some clarity. Transparency is a key tenant of conservatism. With that said, these questions are based partially off known legal documents, and off pestering rumors that we keep receiving. Now remember before you answer Alex there might be audio and or video recordings, screenshots, messages, or texts to corroborate any of the tougher questions. Also, NONE of the following is an attack on your family, so we revoke your right to use that victim card. These questions are solely aimed at you, so the voters of District 3 can get a better look into who Alex is. Nor is this libel against you, these are simply questions only.

The Documented Questions

  1. Are you willing to supply your 4 page National Crime Information Center (NCIC) record?  In the event you didn’t know. You, any victims, or named witnesses to your 2018 domestic abuse case can get a copy of this report. We’ve checked and the Kootenai County Prosecutor’s office has it on hand, and is willing to give it to the aforementioned parties. (You’re welcome) CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
  2. Can you provide proof the two California tax liens, and two financial judgements against your business ABCISP, Inc. are either cleared, or are in the process of being paid off? CLICK HERE and HERE
  3. What is your association with Larry da Lizard Spencer? It’s documented on Facebook and you’ve been seen chatting in public.
  4. Why have you listed ABCISP, Inc. as having your Post Falls address, when that business has NEVER been registered in the state of Idaho?
  5. Do you intend to take any more donations from known Democrats?

The Undocumented Questions

Some of the following the Chuckle Berries team have known about for a long time. But we’ve been hesitant to run these, hoping the rumors would melt away. However as time has passed, these rumors have only grown larger, with more people upset. We’ve been asked by numerous people to ask for them, to protect them and their families.

  1. Who do you work for? We’d like a list of your employers or it explained how you earn money.
  2. Do you receive money from pharmaceutical companies that lobby for the legalization of marijuana in Idaho?
  3. Do you have a secondary residence outside of your home at 12201 W. Hayden? Which is your primary residence, meaning which one do you spend more time at?
  4. Did you tell any Kootenai County precinct committeemen that if they didn’t support you, you’d find a replacement to run against them? (Remember threatening someone to get their vote is a major no-no…)
  5. Do you have numerous women you see for sex, knowing you’re still legally married?
  6. Are you a member of, or do you help run a blog that promotes the torture and verbal abuse of women via extreme Sadomasochistic sex?
  7. Do you consider yourself a Sadomacochism master, requiring women to submit under the threat of punishment? Do you require them to ask permission to do normal every day tasks?
  8. Did you tell a small group after the Lincoln Day Dinner that you were so upset that you would like to physically harm your political opponent? Specifically did you tell the two witnesses in graphic detail what you’d like to do, and then list your qualifications to perform this task?
  9. Have you threatened neighbors with bodily harm over petty things? Is this why you shot and killed your neighbor’s dog in 2017?
  10. Did you leave your dog tied up for long periods in the summer sun, without shade, and only hot water? What did you tell neighbors when they approached you about it?Now remember Alex there are only truthful answers allowed. Also if you’ll recall from above there is a very real possibility that proof exists to support any and all of these claims. So don’t just shoot from the hip, then go play the victim card. The voters are listening and watching….

Lastly to the readers. If you or anyone you know is a victim of any form of sexual or domestic abuse, we implore you to go to law enforcement. They can offer you the help you need, and connect you with agencies that can protect you. By you coming forward you might prevent further crimes against women and children. Do the right thing and stop the cycle before others are harmed or possibly murdered. Chuckle Berries has a zero tolerance policy for any form of physical, sexual, or domestic abuse.



We hope it’s just a rumor, but sources tell us that Tim Remington is thinking about running for District 2B Seat against…Tim Kastning!

We’ve heard from several reliable sources that someone in “Leadership” is pressuring Pastor Tim to run! Not confirmed who that could be, but we’re on it and will report back ASAP!!!  If true, it means just one thing – The Bedke Cabal will take the 2B Seat for the “Money Man”, Doug O!)

Pastor Tim don’t be fooled…they don’t want you…they don’t want Tim Kastning, they want Doug O!!! More detail soon!

Top 5 Reasons we hope it’s not true:

  1. Pastor Tim’s voting record while in Boise has been disappointing, at best. (He’s no John Green)
  2. He would dilute the vote, thereby assuring Tim Kastning would lose. (Tim Remington has no chance of winning, even if Tim Kastning wasn’t running.)
  3. By doing so he would politicize Good Samaritan Rehab…an important program, which should be Pastor Tim’s focus! (Yes, Tim, you will lose support…and church members…don’t throw it all away!)
  4. Tim said he’d be a place holder for that seat! We know you’re not a prideful man. Don’t let us down!
  5. Tim is being played! Whoever the RINO is that’s got his ear is no friend of Liberty!

(Scott Bedke wanting dat money, 2020 colorized.)

Stay tuned, Chuckleheads! If you know Pastor Tim, reach out and ask him not to give this seat to the RINO’s!

Otherwise, pray, pray, pray that this is not true!


More Larry da Lizard Tax Liens & Child Support

“Shot down in a blaze of glory
Take me now but know the truth
‘Cause I’m going out in a blaze of glory
Lord, I never drew first
But I drew first blood
I’m the devil’s son
Call me young gun”  Lyrics from Blaze of Glory by Bon Jovi released in 1990.

Well folks since he’s going down in the blaze of glory it’s only fitting Larry da Lizard has yet more tax liens and negative info against him. As the gift that keeps on taking, Da Liz doesn’t disappoint.  If the goal was to rack up the most debt and tick everyone off in the process, I think we found a winner. But he gets no gold star for this performance…maybe he’ll get silver handcuffs?

First and foremost, the first image is a  tax lien against Da Liz regarding his back child support.  In the second image you’ll see he owes $58,369.00, with ZERO payments made in the past 60 days. (See the numbers under his name to the left) Stellar performance there Larry, this isn’t a contest to see who can deprive their kids the most.  Deadbeat  parents are horrible, just pay your bills already. Now we are wondering if he’s lost his Driver’s Licence or Passport? Next time you see Da Liz rolling around in a nice car, or throwing money around, be sure and remind him of his delinquent child support.

Okay, here is a small tax lien for $104 buckaroos….but it’s still a tax lien. And it’s been going for 12 years! You’d think as big a high-roller as Da Liz portrays himself as, that just over one Franklin would be an easy-peasy debt to pay. But seeing how far behind on back child support he is, it’s no surprise. We went ahead and listed all three images associated with this debt, to show the state keeps renewing it every time it expires.  The other images will be at the bottom of this post.

Now on to yet another state tax lien for $1,105.61. This is independent from the $104.40 and the $123,922.35. So that means between the three tax liens Da Liz owes a whopping $125,132.36. The salary for a Idaho State Legislator is $17,879, not counting Per diem. That means just the tax debt Larry owes the state would pay the salary for 6.99884 legislators. He owes enough to cover the wages of 7 legislators! Now let’s go one more step, this means between the State of Idaho and his ex-wife and kids, he owes a grand total of $183.501.36!!! This doesn’t include the judgments against him for ripping people off, or a very large IRS debt. Those alone make this figure grow exponentially. Larry has some serious ‘splainin to do…..

Okay, so what’s this all gotta do with the shortage of toilet paper at Costco? We can not stress enough that Larry has painted himself as a conservative kingmaker for North Idaho. He lauds himself as a brainiac that knows whats best for the voters of the state. He’s even used his bullying tactics to scare people from running for office! But his debts, lies, and shady business dealings show a much different character. One who has no regard to pay his taxes or take care of his children financially. Why should anyone give anything he says the time of day.

Next on the docket is an example of how Larry bullies innocent people. Stay tuned folk . CLICK HERE for part one of Larry and his 123K state tax lien.

Chester on a cool rainy day.