Da Lizard Does a Mailout

Over the weekend most of the households in the county received a mailer dissing a few candidates for Kootenai County Sheriff. It says on the front, “Paid for by Doug Balija”. Sure that’s what it says, but that’s not who we think is behind it.

Larry da Lizard Spencer has had a long history of sending out slimy mail-outs to “inform” voters. This latest fits the mold of his past mailers perfectly.  To the left is a Facebook post where he brags about dropping 50K on a mail-out. Of course it’s obvious this wasn’t his money, but instead people he persuaded to donate to his sleazeball campaign. As readers will recall, due to Lizard’s past financial problems, the thought of him fronting 50 grand for this is laughable.

The Mailout

Here are copies of the mail-out in the event you didn’t see them

Notice it references 5 Republican candidates, but then attacks candidates without using their names. Based on what is printed, it’s easy to see 3 of the 5 candidates were attacked. Only Lizard’s boy John Grimm and Kim Edmondson were spared his slime (he’ll turn on you two, just give him time).  In another Facebook post, Lizard states that he’ll accept either Grimm or Edmondson as Sheriff. Additionally, Lizard has stated almost word for word each point made on this card on numerous Facebook posts.

People might ask if Doug was capable of sending this mailer all by his big self. Sure that is possible, but not likely. Doug has told numerous people active in politics that he is burned out by local politics. As such, we doubt he’d desire to do this. Secondly, Doug has never publicly attacked John Green, why start now? Lizard on the other hand relishes the opportunity to attack John any chance he gets! Further evidence is that Doug is a frugal guy, why would be drop the $3-5K needed to send this out? Doug wouldn’t waste that kinda money, in these trying times…especially since he’s raising a family.

So how are Doug and Lizard connected? First, Lizard has stored vehicles, mobile homes, and even his RV on Balija’s property south of town for years. Currently his Audi is sitting there collecting dust. But that’s not all folks! Currently Lizard is living in a home owned by Doug’s little sister. It’s a home Doug once owned himself, and sold to his sister in 2015. Word on the street is Lizard barter’s rent with her, but we have no solid proof of that….yet. (See document to right to see the address matches Larry’s voter address. Lower you’ll see the transfer from Doug to his sister)

WHy not Lizard

Why would Lizard not pay for this mailer himself? Well…..cause he owes 5 figures in back child support, a ton of money to the state, IRS back taxes, and has numerous civil judgements against him. If da Liz was to have his name on that mailer, it would indicate to the court that he does have spare cash to pay his debts. So by asking his pal Doug to put his name on it, Lizard skates around the legal ramifications. He gives Doug the money, and a pat on the back, and slithers away to search for others to do his bidding.

Now for the interesting question. John Grimm has been touted as an honest man. Will he disavow this mailer? Did he have prior notice from his boy Lizard about it?

Just say no to Lizard folks. He’s so dishonest, it’s hard to even trust him if he told you it’s gonna rain.  Yes folks, to the right really is Lizard. It’s from a mugshot of him arrested in 2009 for trespassing on something he owned being repossessed. Classy Larry. At the bottom we’ve posted the full mugshot. He looked like an extra from the movie Joe Dirt.

Question for any attorneys reading. Is it legal to pay someone thousands of dollars to send out a mailer under their name?

Stay safe out there folks, police are arresting moms for taking their kids to the park now. Stares with disdain at Meridian Police Department…


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