Does the KCRCC have a Secretary?

This week we received an interesting query, does the KCRCC have a Secretary? Sure they have that guy running a historic campaign named Alex Barron. But is he truly fulfilling the role of Secretary according to the KCRCC Bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order? Let’s analyze that thought.

Here is a screenshot of the duties of the Secretary from the latest KCRCC Bylaws.

What Does Alex do?

For starters, Alex shows up late to almost every monthly meeting, in doing so he misses the roll call. He strolls in when he wants, as if he owns the place. Alex showed up 47 minutes late to the May meeting. Not only was he incredibly late, but he disruptively gave zero care that someone was speaking. He walked in front of the podium where Pam Houser was addressing the committee. Remember, he’s Alex, he does what he wants.

The Bylaws are mute on what to do for his perennial tardiness. But in section 8.1 it says to refer to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised. Here is what RONR says about that:

MINIMUM OFFICERS. The minimum essential officers for a conduct of business in a deliberative assembly are a presiding officer, who conducts the meeting and sees that the rules are observed, and a secretary, or clerk, who makes a written record of what is done—usually called “the minutes.” RONR (11th ed.) p. 22.

That is pretty clear, the meeting has to have a secretary to begin. Without one, there is no meeting. So what to do? Well the Rules have a simple and viable solution.

In the absence of the secretary, a secretary pro tem should be elected; the corresponding, financial, or executive secretary in organizations having such officers is not an automatic replacement… RONR (11th ed.) p. 459-460

Again, this is clear. If Alex is late the meeting CAN NOT proceed without a Secretary. One of three things would need to happen. A motion is made to elect a Secretary Pro Tem. Or everyone sit and wait for Alex. But if all else fails, members leave.

This brings up an interesting question. If the Secretary is late to a meeting, and a secretary pro tem has not been elected, and the meeting proceeds, is the meeting a valid meeting? Honestly, we aren’t entirely sure and are only asking the question. Does this nullify meetings? Again, we are only asking the question.

Other duties shirked

We’ve heard rumors that Alex isn’t just skipping out on roll call. He also slacks on other Secretarial duties. He is late getting the minutes and the agenda published. We’ve even heard others have to occasionally help him out on this.

It would seem all Alex does is show up to vote, and talk over people. Can you imagine if he were in the Senate? He’d pull these same shenanigans! A Central Committee is a parliamentary training ground for people seeking office. If he bumbles that up, he’ll flunk out in the Senate.

Based off other actions Alex has shown this election. It is clear he doesn’t regard rules the same as everyone else. His actions as Secretary make this clear.


The duties of the Secretary should not be taken lightly, it is a vital office. Why is Alex not held accountable or replaced for shirking his responsibilities? We feel it’s out of fear of having another incident. Alex has a history of profanity laced freak-outs on fellow KCRCC members. He’s also thrown about accusations of racism when he doesn’t get his way. Therefore it seems reasonable that leadership gives him a free pass to avoid setting him off. If that’s the case, why keep someone volatile as Secretary?

Readers might ask what could have been done, and what will prevent this from happening again. Any member of the KCRCC could have made a motion to elect a Secretary Pro Tem for the meeting to be valid and to proceed. At that point when Alex showed, the committee could have decided if the Pro Tem or Alex could continue to fill the roll for that meeting. Perhaps had this happened once, it might have spurred Alex to show up on time.

In the above scenario, if Alex had lost his vote for a meeting, we’re sure sparks would have flown. That could have been squashed by telling him to show up on time, or risk losing his position. Yes Alex makes a big deal out of nothing. But had he been shown early on that his position could be given to someone else, maybe he’d do his duty.


At the reorganization meeting June 5th, if Alex is late…again. We hope some member will make a motion to elect a Secretary Pro Tem. So the meeting can be a legitimate meeting, with a Secretary in from the beginning.

Remember, the members of the KCRCC run the meeting as a whole. You each have an equal say in how the meetings are conducted. If the Chairman refuses to acknowledge a motion to elect a Secretary Pro Tem due to Alex’s tardiness, you can just walk out. It’s really that simple.

Now we’re wondering if the State Central Committee knows how meetings are conducted in Kootenai County. Would they approve?

The Chuckleberries Team


4 thoughts on “Does the KCRCC have a Secretary?”

  1. While I know you don’t think much of Democrats, let alone a small herd of them at a KC Democratic Central Committee meeting, I can assure you, they are very good at memorializing every jot and tittle of the official businesses at their meetings.

  2. As long as I have attended any KCRCC meeting the roll call has been done by the co chairman. Perhaps he is the secretary pro tem as well? Just a thought.

  3. That’s a fairly new wrinkle, and we feel done due to the current Secretary’s absence. If they want to do that, it needs to be voted on to make the co-chair a pro tem.

  4. Dan, that’s great to hear. While we may disagree politically, we can agree rules are there for a reason.

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