If Doo-Fo and his Huckster Minions would stop obsessing about Matt Shea…

…they could worry about more important things…like The Biggest Secret, below…

Hey Doo-Fo, when the financial Fit Hits The Shan, the piddling little salary you get for burbling up snippets of Huckster trivia will dry up like a Bundy cow pie in the desert.

Don’t you think your time would be better spent joining the conservatives and trying to stop the financial madness that has enveloped the country????

No? We didn’t think so…seems your brittle little ego needs the attention you get as you burble, as evidenced by the putrid comments that spew from your minions….

Hey, do Joker and Phaedrus and the Druid chick wear the nifty little Minion goggles????


The Biggest Secret About Banking Has Just Gone Mainstream

Banks Create Money Out of Thin Air … Conferring Enormous Windfall Profits At the Expense of the People

We’ve pointed out for 4 1/2 years that banks create money out of thin air.

Specifically, it has now been conclusively proven that loans come first … and then deposits FOLLOW.

This is the most important secret about modern banking … because it debunks one of the biggest myths preventing a strong economy, challenges one of the main pork barrel profit centers for big banks … andopens up incredible opportunities for a prosperous economy.

This odd and counter-intuitive – but crucially important – truth has now gone mainstream …

Specifically, the Financial Times’ Martin Wolf – one of the world’s most influential mainstream financial writers –  says that, since banks create money out of thin air, they should be stripped of this power, and limited to normal depository functions. Wolf indicates the centrality and importance of the issue with his subtitle:

The giant hole at the heart of our market economies needs to be plugged.

And Business Insider – the world’s most popular financial news blog – is currently running this as its top two front page stories:



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