More Lies from Uncle Jeff

In a recent post by one of Uncle Jeff’s minons, A.K.A. Reaganrepub2 on H.B.O., he spouts off more of Uncle Jeff’s typical deception.  When trying to dissect the rubbish that typically flows forth from Uncle Jeff and his camp’s mouths, it’s usually best to ignore, but in this case some of what he claims deserves an answer, or better yet a reinterpretation. Here is the first post they made.

“DFO you pegged Dino man correct. The UNCI crowd drinks Pedersen’s cool aid of hatred for RR’s (instead of working with RR’s for the achievement of more elected republicans) and would NEVER vote for an RR no matter if more conservative than they. Would they want RR’s to vote democrat rather than support one of theirs? RR’s will support ALL republican nominee’s even if we did not endorse them, that is what a republican club does. Much better than liberal democrats in our view anyway. The UNCI crowd will vote for Ron Paul at the state convention even though Rand Paul endorsed Romney (they probably are calling Rand Paul a Neo Con by now) and the voters of our state have spoken. I just hope they don’t wear pig masks again like they did at the National Convention two years ago. Our club is open to all real republicans to attend, (we don’t kick other republicans out) if the cool aid has soured in the mouth of an UCNI member you are welcome to join us in the spirit of Ronald Reagan.”

The first point is they see the current struggle between their group (the one formerly known as Reagan Republicans) and groups like the UCNI (United Conservatives of North Idaho) as one in which their group represents true conservativism, while everyone else is a Kool-Aid drinking buffoon. To begin, RR2 it’s spelled Kool-Aid, and UCNI respectfully, but that’s beside the point (Is English your first language?).  In this display of political posturing, RR2 has not offered one thing of substance to validate their point.  They claim their mission is unifying conservatives, but fail to tell the reader what they think conservatism is and is not.  Just taken on this post alone, the uninformed would think the ‘Reagan Republicans’ as the last bastion of true conservatism.  But those of us in the know, see Uncle Jeff for what he truly is—a moderate leaning opportunist, willing to lie, cheat, and swindle people to achieve his financial gain and liberal agenda.  Uncle Jeff a word of advice, switch parties, we all know you wear blue when the curtains are drawn.

Moving on, towards the end of this baloney post, RR2 claims their open to having any republican attend Uncle Jeff’s boy-band party, even if they’re a member of the UCNI.  Reports have come in from a few UCNI members and other conservatives that Uncle Jeff won’t let them join the Reagan Republican Facebook group, let alone come hang out at their group therapy sessions at the Fedora.  It’s also well known Uncle Jeff has been on a witch-hunt of sorts to evict anyone that dares support a candidate not supported by him.  Of course Uncle Jeff and his underlings will claim that was pre-primary banter and its water under the bridge, but that’s not the case.  Some of these reports are from as late as a month after the primary. If you want to unify conservatives, it takes a bit more than blabbing your mouth on Doofo’s Socialist Central Network (H.B.O.).

But there is a deeper concern in the RR2 ’s position of unification.  When they parrot this idea, they’re not meaning putting aside political differences and working together on common ground.  They’re meaning people abandoning their own convictions, and taking the side of Uncle Jeff.  That’s not unification RR2 , that’s a push for control by a political agent of change (Uncle Jeff), and is in stride with the Declaration of Human Rights as set forth by the United Nations.  Come clean RR2 , tell people who your leader really is, and what his true agenda is, and quit hiding behind subtleties on the Socialist Network, written to obfuscate and restrain the masses.

In RR2 ’s second post, they tell yet another Uncle Jeff sized tall tale, by claiming Steve Vick left his group to make peace with all conservatives.  Here is what they claimed.

“Steve [Vick] is well liked and respected by both groups yet he had to resign from our board to stay in favor of UCNI. As a Reagan Conservative Steve understands the importance of representing ALL the Republicans in his District. He is doing a good job as Senator and has our full support.”

Steve (who was the only true conservative endorsed by the group) left this troubled little group because he was tired of ‘Boss Jeff’ endorsing candidates without consent of the governing board.  Steve was smart enough to follow the money trail from candidates that filled Strategery’s coffer (ie. Ward and Lahr’s pockets) to those the defunct Reagan Republican’s endorsed without a vote.  It was because of Darth Jeff’s iron fist control to protect his financial gain, and put forth moderate candidates that made Steve (and others) walk away.  Besides, there is a pretty substantial rumor that Mike ‘Number 35’ Jorgenson wanted to pay a hefty fee (rumor’s claim 10K!!!) for Uncle Jeff’s stamp of approval, but because Steve was on the board, Jeff had to say no, even though he wanted to say yes.

Most have come to expect this from dealing with Uncle Jeff, so it’s not a surprise.  His group’s ship is sinking, and he’s told the band to keep playing merry tunes, to give people the impression things are doing fine.  Uncle Jeff (and RR2), people ‘round these parts are smarter than you think and see through your tangled web of lies, give it up and come clean that you’re nothing more than a diehard liberal at heart.  Besides, word on the street is you’ve got much larger problems to deal with then trying to have your minions mislead people on the Socialist Network.



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