No Fourth of July Parade Permit for the Pachyderms???

I’ve just received a tip from one of our Berry Squishers.  In an e-mail from Bob Brooke of the North Idaho Pachyderms Club, he tells members to not mention the name Pachyderm to parade officials, but to instead say they are, “Reagan Republicans”.  One can only assume from the e-mail Bob skipped out on the $75 permit fee and is mooching off Uncle Jeff’s defunct group.  Isn’t Bob’s group the one that’s always barking about financial responsibility?  Why can’t they ante up the small fee to have their own entry?  Uncle Jeff, I know you think they’re joining your illegitimate group, they’re not, your being using you sonny-boy. If they can’t pay a parade entry, they’ve got no money for you. Here is a copy of the e-mail sent out by Bob Brooks:

Dear North Idaho Pachyderm…………………
If you are marching as a NI Pachyderm, if possible, please wear tan slacks or shorts, white socks and shoes (and your yellow Pachyderm shirt). If you haven’t yet agreed to march, but now would like to, I will have some extra yellow shirts, which I will have at our meeting place. Just show up. Our meeting place is at the corner of 19th and Lakeside . Our entry number is 68. The Kootenai County Republican Central Committee is 69, they will march right behind us, but their meeting place is at 19th and Sherman.  Please arrive by 10 : 00 AM. We are marching as part of Reagan Republicans; if challenged by any parade worker, do not say Pachyderms, say Reagan Republicans.  I think that is all you really NEED to know. The attachments are interesting; it appears the Democrats do not have an entry. The info below doesn’t apply to us, it is here for your info.  See you on Wednesday. Thank you in advance for marching as a Republican. [emphasis mine]

Bob Brooke

Will the Cd’A Chamber of Commerce say something about this?  Will people that know this is going on turn a blind eye?  Answers I’ll eagerly be awaiting to receive.

Your friend,


One thought on “No Fourth of July Parade Permit for the Pachyderms???”

  1. Dear “Chester”……………….

    Do you consider yourself a Republican? If not, do you have another Party affiliation?

    If you do, why did you post this? After the primary, aren’t we supposed to close ranks, bury the hatchet, and defeat Democrats?

    Do you not approve of our organization? Do you consider us your adversary? If so, I do not believe you have ever communicated your reasoning to me. Perhaps you are believing some false rumors or “facts” that are just not true.

    As to your comments, we had the permission of the KCRRs to march behind them, as part of their entry. They also told the Chamber that they would have one vehicle, and several groups of following marchers, and possibly one additional vehicle, if the weather was good. As long as an entry does not exceed the maximum length, I believe it is permissible.

    My instructions to our people was not meant to deceive, but to facilitate entry to the parade gathering point at Sherman and 19th. I do not know how many times you have been in the Parade, but the Parade marshalls have instructions to keep non- registered folks from “crashing.” They try to do their job, and check what group you say you are part of against their list. Since we had the permission of KCRR to be part of their entry, and the KCRR had advised the Chamber, my instructions were merely to avoid a misunderstanding which would take time to resolve.

    By marching behind the KCRR, as opposed to marching as a separate entry, we did indeed save the entry fee, which we will use to promote and support Republicans in the upcoming election cycle.

    I hope this explanation assuages your concern.

    Bob Brooke
    North Idaho Pachyderm Club

    (Note From Chester:)

    Dear Bob,

    Our answers then our point…We are Republicans! We posted it because it is yet another example of how people who claim to be Republicans do very…well…un-Republican things. Your parade instruction letter certainly lacked the “military precision” we would expect from your writing. Perhaps you should have put a little more thought to what you were trying to say before you hit the “print” button. We’re not making fun of you because we know you’re a smart guy and we don’t doubt your Republican bona fides, (or the groups know as the “Pachyderms” for that matter), but KCRR???? Come on Bob…seriously!!!! The group crying “identity theft” has done more to hurt the Republican image and Republican candidates (in Kootenai County) than any Democrat ever could. The bottom line is that that group existed, in our opinion, solely to put money in the pockets of the Strategery guys…nothing more! When you hook your Pachyderm wagon to the guys (formerly) known as the Reagan Republicans, you demean the Pachyderms and all real Republicans. Sorry Bob, but the old saying…”Them that lays down with b_____s get’s up and itches” rings true for those that join the Jeff Ward/Ron Lahr/Strategery “Love Fest”.

    Circle the wagons? Sure, we’re game! But the KCRR’s? They want to burn the wagons and make a buck…nothing more…and if real Republicans don’t get elected…well…that’s part of the game. That’s our opinion and we’re sticking to it!

    By the way, Bob, thanks to the KCRR (the old ones), we’re going to have a Democrat for a Sheriff next term. (He may have some qualifications, but he’s still a Democrat.) We’ll be patiently awaiting the “Recruit John Green in 2016” parade to start moving…remember him? He was the only candidate with verifiable Republican credentials, that was qualified for the job!

    Anyway, thanks for your comment…and thanks for reading CBO!

    Your friend,


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