Not gonna gloat…not gonna do it…wouldn’t be prudent…

Oh the heck we’re not!


North Idaho Conservatives ROCK!

Chuckleberries Approved Candidates won every race in Kootenai County except Toby Schindelbeck and he’s still a winner in our book! Toby! Toby! Toby!…Hey Malek, we got one thing to say to you…Toby! Toby! Toby!

Biggest Losers of the Night:

LIEPAC and Brad Corkscrew…”Reasonable” don’t taste so sweet, does it Brad?

Doo-Fo …Picked all the loosers…Wailing Pat Whalen over Bob Nonini???? Bwaaaa Haaa Haa Ha! (Hey, we didn’t see the Flatulent Photographer all night…was he at your house, crying in your beer with you Dave?????)

Jeff Ward…Repent, Convert, Apologize and we’ll forgive you Uncle Jeff…the day you move to Washington! (Hey, Jeff…wasn’t it great that every single Reagan Republican endorsed candidate, except Toby won? )

Matt Roetter…17th Amendment???? We don’t need no stinkin 17th Amendment…Maybe you’ll rethink your Republican Platform bashing Matt…in any event…we have just one thing to say to you….Bye Bye!

Ed Morse…what can we say except for….ERIC REDMAN 61.04%….WOO HOO! (oh, and Bye Bye, Mr. Ed…the tail end anyway!)

Pat Whalen…just goes to show you that being a lying jerk is not conducive to securing conservative votes.

Terry Werner…if only you’d have put up more signs in illegal places…you might have gotten even less votes. (Gentleman Ron Mendive…Class act as always!)

Jeff Ward…well, second’s not so bad…except compared to first!  Cheatham! Cheatham! Cheatham! But he didn’t….cause he won fair and square!

John Goedde….not gonna waste a word on him…Best thing we can say is WELCOME SENATOR MARY SOUZA!

Luke Malek…better change your stripes Lucas…180 votes? Only two years to go and then it will be Toby! Toby! Toby!

Ol’ Elmer Currie….hope you learned a thing or two about class, honesty and conservatism from Kathy Sims, Rickey Boy!!! Now, crawl back under your rock and stay there…we done told you twice…you’re done!

Luke Sommer…we like you Luke…you’re not really a looser, but we hope that you get the message…you can’t be a “sometimes conservative”…become the real deal…come back and see us and we’ll talk…in the mean time…and since you had to loose, it couldn’t have been a better candidate…Abbi Rocks!

Frank Henderson…come on Frank…give it up…retire already…for real!

Pat Whalen…double looser…all we can say is…John Cross 70.76%

Donna Beaumont…gotta say it again…Toby! Toby! Toby! Toby!

The NIPAC Mopes…Brad Corkill, Jim Addis, Katie Brodie, Dean Haagenson, Maggie Lyon, Ron Nilson, Sandy Patano, Jim Pierce, Jim Riley and Vaughn Ward…money can’t buy you love folks…or votes in North Idaho…next time…be REASONABLE…Vote Democrat and leave us alone!

Kootenai County Reagan Republicans…what’s that old saying…hoisted on their own Petard…by the Kootenai County Reagan Republicans, no less…Down with the Kootenai County Reagan Republicans…Up with the Kootenai County Reagan Republicans…confused?  Petard go boom…Uncle Jeff be sad…don’t be sad Uncle Jeff…BE CONSERVATIVE!

Dan Green…Time to get a taste of what Smaller Government, Lower Taxes and Property Rights really means Dan…enjoy your last 2 years!

Well, that’s it for now Chuckleheads…we’ll be back soon with our Winner List, our Hero List and our Thank You List.

Until then…

I’m yours in Liberty

Chester The Jester

P.S. Homer Simpson is not a Real Conservative…but he gives a nice Woo Hoo!




6 thoughts on “Not gonna gloat…not gonna do it…wouldn’t be prudent…”

  1. Absolutely love it. Grouchy old Herb lost his precinct too.
    Perhaps the old Reagan Repubs can learn from the legit RR on how to actually win an election.

    Gotta love the anger and hate spewed at Brannon over the results being slow. Perhaps he did instructed them to wait until DFO went to bed just to spite him.

    OR perhaps the last second “genuine” democrats and all their desperation write-ins screwed up the counting process. Anyone ever think of that?

    Gotta love what Spencer and Malloy did to the crossover vote. Kept all them dems voting for their own. Well done. mission accomplished.

  2. Chester,

    The blogs on Huckleberries are strangely quiet today. I wonder why? Someone please find Adam Graves. I think he might be headed south to join his liberal friends in liberal California. On NIPAC … I just have to ask? $30,000+ for WHAT?!! The big win in Dist. 4 might be the funniest part of the whole night. Really Mr. Goedde … welcome to retirement where you can’t do any more damage to this state.

    Jeremy Morris

  3. All the while DooFo is stammering around wondering what happened. People got what they wanted is what happened…DUH!!!


  4. Ole burned out grump-meister Herb would have complained if he had won. As for the group formally known as Jeffro Ward’s Reagan Republicans…they best find another name. Rumor has it the train that just plowed through him and his cronies is gaining speed and isn’t done yet. WOO-WOO


  5. I’ve been enjoying the utter meltdown over at liberal central all day. They’re spinning in circles with no idea what happened last night: The voters in north Idaho soundly rejected liberalism. They’d rather blame Brannon and take comfort in the re-nomination of Lefty Luke.

    Particularly gratifying was Herb’s pity party post. It was surprising to see him admit that conservative voters ousted Obama minions. “the frustration the voters have toward Obama and his minions”

    Herb’s gripefest further demonstrated his own left-leaning ways by characterizing the ousting of Obama’s minions as a collective flip out on the part of the voters.

    I suppose it’s too much to expect these Cali-loving leftists to accept their defeat gracefully or to have a glimmer of understanding about the will of liberty-loving Idahoans.

  6. Well said. I’ve been out most of the day, but have kept tabs on DooFo and his disheartened band of leftists. Talk about a bunch of cry babies. Even Thom George is sliming his way around from Shanghai (Phad-baby, why not be a good stay at home husband and shoot photos and keep the house clean?)

    Honestly I wish there was a way to narrate HBO Mysterious Science Theater 3000 style…wait that’s a great idea! Anyone wanna give it a shot?


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