Ok, We’ll Give Her This….

trophytinaTiny Tina is Smarter Than Ben “I want a raise” Wolfinger:

Now don’t read too much into this folks, but…

This from Tina’s Facebook Page about the recent Pravda On The Lake piece about Deputies jumping from the sinking ship for more money!!!!

Says Tina:

“What most people don’t see is the big picture. The Press (and the deputies & Sheriff) leaves out important information to incite an emotional response. Sgt. Scott Maxwell is complaining that his insurance is going to go up $130/mo. for himself, his wife and his child ($43.33/ea) (It’s actually only $117.92 more with only one child and his spouse since he’s going from 3 children down to one). However, he did not mention that he got a $5.72/hr wage increase (19.4%!!). On 2/16/15, he was earning $29.44/hr or $61,235.20/yr. On 8/31/16, he is earning $35.16/hr or $73,136.96/yr. He is making $991.82/mo. more and he is complaining that his insurance for his whole family went up $117.92/mo.?! Spokane Sheriff employees have to pay a premium of 9% for their family, which at Scott’s rate would be $548.53/mo.! And Sgt. Jon Brandel shouldn’t be complaining. On 2/16/15, he was earning $30.32/hr or $63,065.60/yr. On 8/31/16, he is earning $37.23/hr or $77,440.48/yr. He didn’t mention that he got a $6.91/hr wage increase (22.8%!!). He’s making $1,197.91/mo. more! And just as a side note,…Bradley Wolfinger, the Sheriff’s son, got a 30.2% increase in his pay, from $22.36/hr to $29.11/hr! And this is not including any life insurance (equal to the annual salary up to a max of 100k-provided by the county), overtime, vacation (8-16 hrs ea mo depending on yrs worked-up to 240 hrs/yr) or sick pay (4 hrs every pay period). Now, don’t get me wrong,…I believe the deputies should be paid well, however, they shouldn’t be complaining about getting 20%,…25%,…30% or more in wage increases with their great benefits, when even unions don’t negotiate anything close to that. A good sheriff would not be continuing to spread this misinformation to further hurt the morale in the office. As sheriff, I will lead with honesty & integrity to boost morale and retain the deputies needed to protect the people.”

They got a raise and they’re still quitting??????? Somebody needs to get their story straight…..BBBBBBEEEEEEENNNNNNNN?

Hmmmmm, somethings rotten in C’dAistan! (At Bens’ digs anyway!) Tina is apparently on to something!

See the original on Tina’s Facebook Page here:  https://www.facebook.com/tina.kunishige?fref=ts

You got to scroll down folks…it ain’t going to jump to the top!

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