Last night a Black Life Matters protest came to North Idaho. It was peaceful for the most part, and uneventful. Patriots showed up in full force to protect the town and the protesters. There are even photos of protesters and patriots chatting and shaking hands. No animosity or hatred was exhibited by either side. Continue reading Antifa Told GO HOME by North Idaho
Signs That Tell The Truth…
Dan English Leaves a Comment for the KCRCC
Alex Barron’s Errant Sunshine Reports
Just a brief mention that Alex Barron isn’t doing his Sunshine reports properly. Not only has be been late every month (yeah, we know you’re shocked). But he’s failed to report a significant donation. On March 18, 2020 the Rino Hunters of the Inland Northwest gave him a $500 donation. Continue reading Alex Barron’s Errant Sunshine Reports
Pete Riggs, Farmhand or Poseur?
In a recent Pete Riggs mailer that we had emailed in, an observant reader found something that gave us a chuckle. Petey has been pushing the “I’m a hard working conservative” mantra of late. He wants everyone to think he’s just like them. He talks about farming, guns, and says he is running a grass roots campaign. Continue reading Pete Riggs, Farmhand or Poseur?