More Insult to Injury


Well folks here you have it, yet another insult to the fine citizens of Coeur d’Alene…as if things couldn’t get worse. After approving the controversial anti-gay bias, much to the chagrin of the citizens, and on top of building Little Disneyland…err I mean McRuin Park, they’ve added the icing on the cake.  No it’s not a life size yard gnome that looks like Mike Kennedy, it’s a grand entrance entitled ‘Under the Rainbow’. Now citizens will have a constant reminder of how the rainbow cult was forced upon this once fine town. This is no mere coincidence.

Our only question, is this where the gay pride parade the City Council desires is to start or finish?  Maybe Mike Kennedy can wear a rainbow colored unicorn outfit on opening day…it’d be a disgusting, yet fitting touch. No Mike that’s not an open invitation, put the outfit back in the closet…

Folks it’s high time for a conservative, fiscally responsible city council and mayor in town…and them candidates from liberal Balance North Idaho and Reagan ‘Tax Lien’ Republicans ain’t gonna do.

Chester ‘Utterly Disgusted’ The Jester

Phil Hart – Hero, Randy Meyers – Zero…

phartsmallA journalist, a journalist, our kingdom for a journalist!  Is there a “newsman” around who is emotionally or intellectually capable of reporting a single fact about the real Phil Hart story????

Bottom line is this, Phil Hart is a hero who deserves respect and admiration from every citizen of Idaho.  He had the honesty, integrity and guts to expose the truth about the “Income Tax” As a result, he has suffered the, almost daily, lynching of the media, the legal system, and the Liberal Muttonheads like Randy Meyers! Continue reading Phil Hart – Hero, Randy Meyers – Zero…

An answer to Steve Widmyer’s supporters.

puppetSeems as though we struck a nerve with some supporters of Steve Widmeyer.  While most of the comments are of a similar vein, one of the more interesting comments was from a, located somewhere in Coeur d’Alene. Upon reading it, there was debate whether to post it or throw it out with the rest of the “don’t hurt Precious”, oops we mean don’t hurt Steve.  After thinking it over, we decided this comment is going to be used as an example to illustrate how some people will always be Lemmings, no matter what the weight of the evidence, contrary to their cause. Continue reading An answer to Steve Widmyer’s supporters.

What Strategery Has Tax Liens Too?

wardlahrAs shocked and dismayed as we were to hear of Uncle Jeff’s tax liens (heavy sarcasm), now comes word that The Stategery Group is in deep water too. Filed on June 12th and July 23rd of this year, to the tune of $2855.67 for this round of liens. Seems little things like withholding tax and workman’s compensation insurance are big things to the state of Idaho.

Continue reading What Strategery Has Tax Liens Too?