About Steve Widmyer, Candidate for Coeur d’Alene Mayor

kingstevewidmyerThe bottom feeders at Huckleberries Online are stirring into a frenzy over Steve ‘Eagle Eye’ Widmyer’s announcement to run for CDA mayor.  Since Liberals and their crazy antics make us laugh, we thought we’d take time to look into this mayoral candidate and his affiliations.

To begin, the CDA Press made mention Steve is a business and property owner, but they leave it at that. What is the extent of Steve’s business holdings, and how can that help or hurt his chances in the mayoral race? Continue reading About Steve Widmyer, Candidate for Coeur d’Alene Mayor

The Tax Liens of Jeff Ward

unclejeffIt seems we’ve struck a nerve with a post made a few weeks back concerning Uncle Jeff Ward’s tax problems. His minions have scoffed at us, claiming the great and powerful statist Uncle Jeff could never stoop as low to have tax problems. Well folks, they say the proof is in the pudding–and it looks like Jeff has a heaping pot full.  Below you’ll find a screenshot of two current tax liens for Uncle Jeff, one in the amount of $2,686.33 and the other for $1,621.07 (Click to make larger). Continue reading The Tax Liens of Jeff Ward