Politics for Dummies, brought to you by Dan Gookin


In typical clumsy fashion,

Coeur d’Alene city councilman stuck his foot in his mouth yet again. In an excellent letter to the editor to the CDA Press by Kootenai County Republican precinct commiteeman Bruce Maddux, Gookin said the following in the comment section:

“Bruce, I’m sorry the KCRCC is dysfunctional. There.  BTW, you are not an elected official. You are a party official. See? Dysfunction.”

Um, hold the phone Dan it seems that Mr. Maddux in fact received 58 votes to defeat contender David Hill, who had 56. Gee golly Mister Gookin, seems someone needs to give you a copy of Politics for Dummies.

And in case the book doesn’t sink in, here is a link to the results from the 2012 primary for Kootenai County.