Don’t worry, we’re still here!

Rumors have been circulating as to what has become of Chuckle Berries Online.  No we’re not dead, and no we’re running scared from DooFo’s police report filed in July (Pah-lease).

Like most North Idahoans the CBO team has been busy with family and work. In between we’ve been gathering intel on the shady con-men and rif-raf that have polluted the political waters of the area…which means we’ve got a lot of info to share.

Stay tuned….

Chester, Jester, and Pester

There’s plenty of water folks

An oft repeated lie by the supports of the proposed land use code is they’re protecting the aquifer from running dry.  People fresh here from out of state and even some long time residents nod in agreement, not knowing they’ve been hoodwinked by the Land Use Czars. Continue reading There’s plenty of water folks

Disinformation: How It Works…









…Developed into an artform in the local “Press”!

We’re no Gandi fans, but we like one quote that is attributed to him: First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

No matter who said it first, the idea expressed in those words embodies the whole of the putrid world that is “The Media”.  We found the following essay by Brandon Smith and thought it important to share with our little corner of the world and tiny band of followers.

It’s a long read…but enjoy!


There was a time, not too long ago (relatively speaking), that governments and the groups of elites that controlled them did not find it necessary to conscript themselves into wars of disinformation.

Continue reading Disinformation: How It Works…

An Open Letter to Jeff Ward and Ron Lahr…

Dear Jeff Ward and Ron Lahr,

Talk is cheap and we’re calling on you to put up or shut up!

The property owners of Kootenai county are stirred up about the proposed land use code being shoved down their throats.  The two county commissioner candidates your group endorsed, are responsible for spearheading the drive for this restricting and  oppressive  code.   Continue reading An Open Letter to Jeff Ward and Ron Lahr…