Ben Did Not Win…

…because 66% of the voters did not vote for him! We’ll be taking a close look at the “Independent” candidates that will be on the ballot in November. Rumor is that one if them will be working with Strategery…pre-planned in case Hutch crashed and burned!

Will Ben defend us and protect our constitutional rights when the time comes?  We don’t have much confidence that he will…one reason why…see the picture…say no more!

The Hutchster’s done…Green will hopefully be back…

God is in charge and we won’t question His will!

Stay strong Conservatives…the battle is just beginning!



Crash & Burn Baby!…

….we take one day off and all you-know-what breaks loose….

However, it wasn’t a great night for the guys formerly known as “Reagan Republicans” either…

Uncle Jeff…Crash!

Jeff Tyler…Crash!

The Hutchster…Crash!

Mark Fisher…Crash!

Lora Gervais…Crash!

Larry Berreth…Crash!

Donna Montgomery…Crash!

The only races that really mattered to the Strategery Cabal couldn’t have taken a harder fall! (Lot’s of folks that paid them lot’s O’ cash ain’t so happy with them right now!)

The races that won, prove Strategery was a joke when it came to campaign strategy:

Dan Green…would have won anyway…money poorly spent Dan, as you have likely figured out by now.

Todd Tondee…squeeker…Eberlein will be back and ready next time…happy with your Strategery “investment” Todd?

Morse…squeeker…and a dirty one at that…Mayo Man will crash and burn quickly…Republicans for English anyone?

(We know…eeeewwwweee…but even Dan would be more palatable than Mayo Man) Hart’s loss was entirely the fault of his “friend” Ron V! (We predict that Phil will be back!)

Luke Malek…would have won anyway…but Luke, get real, you ran against a Phantom candidate, that nobody knew and he still got 35% of the vote! Strategery win? In their dreams!

Frank Henderson…had to actually campaign for a change…Jack Schroeder made a good showing and it was pretty much a squeeker too! Strategery help? No way!

Barry McHugh…Hmmmm….Stategery help?…..doubtful!

Ok, Conservatives…lick your wounds and get back to work!  There’s monsters to slay…Strategery’s to dismember, Rassmussen’s to rile, Roetters to rout, Lahr’s to lambast…and on and on and on!

Breaking…DFO Plugs Spencer For Commish!…

…Well, it’s on his blog… so it must be true…see:

For all you Spencer doubters out there…hold you nose if you have to, but…JUST DO IT!

[Note from the Closet:  Chester is off today for the election.  The inmates are incharge of the asylum in his absence…No, we’re not!..Shut up stupid!…Who you calling stupid, you idiot!…anyway, go Vote and leave us crazy conservatives alone! No More Posts Today!]