Vieselmeyer & Morse, Bookends Of An Urban Renewal Scam?…

…something seems more tipped than just campaign signs…They got “game,” but it ain’t fun for Taxpayers!

In Ron Vieselmeyer’s campaign literature, Vieselmeyer has a photo of himself pointing to the United States Constitution as if Vieselmeyer thinks it is a document we need to adhere to.  Yet Vieselmeyer was “front and center” in a local and notably blatant violation of the Idaho Constitution, a Constitution he has, purportedly, taken an oath to support!  We are talking about the so-called “lease” that North Idaho College (NIC) entered into with the North Idaho College Foundation; both located at the same address.  Why would ANY college “lease” bare ground? Continue reading Vieselmeyer & Morse, Bookends Of An Urban Renewal Scam?…

Timing Is Everything…

…as they say!

Seems the RINO Republicans, formerly known as the “Reagan Republicans” were out walking Precincts this weekend. The problem for them is that the Conservatives were walking the same Precincts…right behind them!

Of course the Conservatives set the record straight and rebutted the lies the Strategery Zombies were telling… ’cause apparently the Whoppers were flying when the RINO’s knocked on a door!

Too little too late for the RINO’s?  We’ll know tomorrow!

While you’re here see our candidate opinion “cheat sheet”:



Chester’s Conservative Candidate Choices…

…For the races we’ve been following:

[Note from Chester: I’m not a real person and these are not endorsements, merely our opinions, but if I was real, I’m smart enough to know that the Gen-u-ine Conservatives I’d be voting for are:

US Congress Dist 1

Raul Labrador (Of Course!)

Legislative District #1:

Danielle Ahrens (Senate)

Donna Capurso (Seat A)

Pam Stout (Seat B)

District #2:

Steve Vick (Senate)

Vito Barbieri (Seat A)

Phil Hart (Seat B) ( NRA likes him too!

District #3:

Bob “Mr. Conservative” Nonini (Senate – Un-opposed, but vote for him anyway!)

Ron Mendive (Seat A)

Jack Schroeder (Seat B)

District #4:

Mickey Mouse (Senate)

Jeff Ames (Seat A)

Kathleen Sims (Seat B) (Un-opposed, but give her a vote anyway – Recall C’dA Champion, Bane of LCDC, Go Kathy!)

Kootenai County Sheriff

John Green (Go watch the Hutch videos at his site: )

Kootenai County Prosecuting Attorney:

Donald Gary

Kootenai County Commissioner District #1:

Marc Eberlein

Kootenai County Commissioner District #3:

Larry Spencer

Bonner County Sheriff

Tim Fry (Check out Tim’s thoughts here:  )

P.S. Tomorrow is “Save a Friend a Headache Day”. Give them this list so they can have an enjoyable voting experience!


Polls Open In Just Over 24 Hours!…

…What are  you going to do to help Conservatives get elected?

Someone brought this blog to our attention and we thought it worth sharing:

We’ll be checking it often!

Our final Election “Cheat Sheet” will be posted soon.

Record hits on the “Hutchster” posts yesterday…even though it was Mothers Day!

We Got Our Hit Piece From Keith “Wyatt Earp” Hutcheson Today…

…same old Lawyer, Lobbyist, Lawman shtick…Yawn!

How much money do you figure the RINO’s have spent on mail over the last 3 days, trying to beat the Conservatives?

Anyway, we thought we should help The Hutchster (our new name for such a cool guy) with his image a bit, so…a couple of Chuckle Fan’s came up with some slightly redone mailer suggestions that stroke his mighty ego as much as it apparently needs to be stroked… [with a dose of reality at the end!)

Here is what the Hutchster sees when he looks in the mirror (text is important too):

On Sunday, when his Wyatt Earp costume is being laundered, Keith sees…

On Mondays, after a hard day of playing video games, Keith sees…

On Tuesdays, after a hard day of playing Dodge Ball with the neighbor kids his age, Keith sees…

On Thursdays, after spending a campaign planning session with Jeff Ward and Ron Lahr, Keith sees…

What Keith looks like to us…EVERYDAY!…

[Note from Chester: Thanks to Mr. G for the tip and forward! Thanks to DMan for the fantasy Hutch art…Thanks to Eagle Eye’s partner for the reality Keith art!]