If Your Favorite Conservative Candidate Loses…

…don’t forget to give a big hearty “Thanks A Lot” to Tami Martinez!

You see, few people know that Tami is the graphics gal for The Strategery Cabal. Yes, it has indeed been Tami’s handy-work that produced the bulk of nonsensical, dishonest, nauseating hate mail pieces that that came to your mailbox from Fish, Mayo Man, Hutch, etc.

Now, we don’t want any comments about how good a christian Tami is, or how nice she is, or how she just needs the money…Tami made an adult decision to use her talents to help candidates who are not conservative, and who have demonstrated that getting elected is more important than telling the truth!

Our biggest dissapointment is that Tami would help Fish and Mayo Man bear false witness against her christian brothers, Vito and Phil Hart!

Tami, we hope it was worth it to you! Why don’t you show up on any Sunshine Reports? There are many people working to expose the truth about what the Strategery Cabal has been up to.  We hope you don’t get caught up in that Tami!

We’ll continue to pray for you…we hope you come to your senses soon!

Want to explain yourself Tami?  We’ll give you 500 words to do so.  Send us your response through comments.


Why’d He Burp?…

…’Cause he felt queazy after he saw this:

So, WWED? (What Would Earp Do?)…

He’d tell you that anyone would would say this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3aN7CYHVZY or this http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=5Ez2u6YvsS0  got no business comparing himself to a legendary Lawman!

Keith, you really should contact a lawyer about getting hosed by Strategery…you really paid them for this?

You should rethink the photo too…got that little Damien/Omen thing going on there…is it the eyes…the hair…Hey, we’re only sayin’… (sorry Keith, we’ll quit making fun of you on Wednesday…we can’t help ourselves ’cause you give us so much good material!)

Wonder if Dave Jones would compare “Hutch” to Wyatt Earp? Check it out: Dave-Jones

To answer your question “Hutch”…we’d like to have a lawyer who is a conservative and dedicated LAWMAN that knows the LAW!… John Green for Sheriff is looking better and better every day!

[Updated] Was that Dan Green lickin and stickin…

…stamps on the Old Reagan Republicans mail pieces at Fedora yesterday?  The mail pieces with Bulk Rate Postage already printed on them????

Hmmmmmm, FEC, SOS, IRS, now Postal Inspectors…these guys are bold!

Well, I guess desperate is as desperate does! Or so says Forest…wait, wasn’t there something in there about stupid?

(Note from Chester:  Anyone who receives a WWRD flyer from the “Other Guys” (the guys formerly known as Reagan Republicans”) that have the indicia showing behind a postage stamp..save them!  That, my intelligent conservative friends who obey the law,…would be EVIDENCE! We wonder who Postal Permit No. 27 belongs to? Could have problems in the future…postal and customer wise…we sure won’t be giving them any conservative business!)