Phil Hart…The Battle Continues…

…We like Phil Hart! He’s an honest man and is the hardest working, most conservative member of the Idaho Legislature…lies abound when the blog fur starts flying…Liberals, RINO’s and their ilk hate him…someday the whole story will be known and people will be embarrassed at how they misjudged and maligned Phil Hart…

In the mean time…here is Phil’s comment on the latest…(from his website)



DATE/TIME: Thursday, April 26, 2012 4:00PM CST

RE: Idaho Supreme Court Decision in Hart v. Commissioner


We are disappointed in today’s decision by the Idaho Supreme Court in the Matter of Philip L. Hart vs. Idaho State Tax Commission and Idaho Board of Tax Appeals. It is but another phase of my quest for justice.  I continue to believe that the most important question is “Does Phil Hart owe any tax to the State of Idaho?”

My answer to that question is an emphatic – No, I do not owe the State of Idaho any tax.  In its opinion, the court stated “In this instance, Hart is just a taxpayer, with no greater privilege than his constituents.”   I agree, I have no greater privilege when it comes to the amount of tax that I owe, and I am therefore, entitled to be treated with the same fairness and equal protection of the law that all other taxpayers enjoy.

With regard to the purported “unpaid” taxes, 100 percent of the remaining balance of $42,000 is based entirely on having been illegally deprived of 8 years of business deductions. The IRS has deprived me of those deductions, because I would not turn over, to the government, the names of people who had bought my book “Constitutional Income.”

The bottom line is that I have paid more than the amount that I legally owe in tax. But for the IRS illegally denying my deductions and submitting fraudulent “income” information to the State of Idaho, we would not be discussing this matter today. Furthermore, the waste of my time and the waste of the resources expended by the Idaho Tax Commission would have been fully avoided.

In justice and equity, I am entitled to pay no more, nor less, for my tax liability than the law requires.

I seek only that which every law-abiding citizen of the State of Idaho would expect. I seek the law to be fully and fairly applied to my case. I expect that the State of Idaho recognize the lawful deductions to which I am justly entitled.

I thank my constituents for their support and patience as I continue to fight for justice in this case.

Get Over It Liberals…

…the Right to freedom of speech does not include the “Right” to defame someone!

The use of words can have serious consequences! We have a public duty to use words so they don’t harm others…Like yelling “fire” in a crowded theater, imprudent or unethical use of speech should bare proportional justice!

The Facts:

“Libel” is a published false statement that is damaging to a person’s reputation – a written defamation.

Libel is a CRIME in Idaho! (So yes, someone could “go to jail” over it!)

Libel is a TORT in Idaho! (That means that if you libel someone you are a “Tortfeasor” and may have to pay money damages!)

Truth is an absolute defense to a claim of libel. If a statement is TRUE, you have nothing to fear with regard to your freedom of speech.

COWARD is a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things. (Like signing their real name to a blog post)

Some COWARD, who uses the name “almostinnocentbystander” posted defamatory comments on the HBO site. The target of those comments was Tina Jacobson. Tina makes her living dealing with other people’s money and such statements may have harmed her professional reputation. Even if they did not, Tina has a RIGHT to make sure that such defamatory comments cease and that the Tortfeasor who made them is soundly rapped on the knuckles for doing so…financially speaking.

For you MORONS, who think it is ok for anyone to say anything they want about another person because they have “free speech” rights, give us you name and we’ll post it publically with a note that you are a pedophile! Would that be ok with you? …No? …We didn’t think so!

We hope the COWARD; know, as “almostinnocentbystander” has to pay Tina Jacobson and her lawyer lots and lots and lots of money!  Maybe you vile people who like to say vile things…while thinking you are anonymous…will think twice before spreading lies on blogs!

Don’t you agree DFO?

Mendive Is Our Man…

…because it is our opinion  that he is the most conservative candidate in the District 3A Legislative race!

We know, without a doubt, that Ron Mendive is Pro-Life, Pro-Liberty and Pro-Pursuit of Happiness!  He’ll make a great team with Bob Nonini and Jack Schroeder in bringing a solid Conservative voice to District 3A.

For more information visit Ron’s web site at:

Ron & Sherlene Mendive...a Class Act!

There you go, our blog, our opinion, our voice and we didn’t spend a penny of our money (or anyone else’s) to get it said!


But what about this guy, you may ask?:

Jeff Tyler - Treasurer of KCRRVF-M, Chairman of KCRRVF, VP of KCRR...Huh?

We can’t support Jeff Tyler because he has too many questions to answer about the irregular situation that is coming to light regarding the “Reagan Republicans”.  Jeff, what were you thinking? This whole treasurer, chairman, vice-president thing, just doesn’t pass the “smell test.” You should clear it up…or clear out! That’s our opinion and we’re sticking to it!

Open Mouth…Insert Foot…

…apparently “Hutch” is good at that…

On the suggestion of DFO, we’ve been watching John Green’s Facebook page and found the video below…

Now we know why Sheriff Richard Mack supports John Green and why DFO and Uncle Jeff support the “Hutch”… watch the video and judge for yourself.

[FB 3808870388656]

Note from Chester:  Wait until you see how “Hutch” put his foot in his mouth last Friday at the Republican Party Forum!  We’ll have that up soon!

The Shell Game: Show Me The Money…

…because it’s always interesting to follow the trail! Here is the short version of “The Shell Game”. (More to follow)

Did you or anyone you know donate money to the “Reagan Republicans”?  If so, where did your money go? How many candidates did your money help and how much did they get?

We’re following the money and our full report will be out soon, but you may be interested to know that:

On their 2011 Post General Sunshine Report the “Reagan Republican Victory Fund –Municipal” (Jeff Ward, Treasurer, Jeff Tyler, Chairman) …shows “Contributions” $8,000. Of those funds guess how much went to candidates?

If you guessed $2275 you’d get the prize. Seven candidates got $375 each…WOW, we bet that made the difference!  Also shown on that report is that $710 went to “The Strategery Group” owned by Jeff Ward, et al….

Where’s the rest of the money and where did it come from? Well, it came from the “Reagan Republican Victory Fund” (Jeff Tyler, Treasurer, Jeff Ward, Chairman)…as to the where it went, conspiring minds want to know!  (Any thoughts Doo-ane? Aren’t you their lawyer?)

Now on to the big dough!  On their 2011 Annual Sunshine Report, the “Reagan Republican Victory Fund” (Jeff Tyler, Treasurer, Jeff Ward, Chairman) showed $22,577 in “Contributions”. Of those funds guess how much went to candidates?

If you guessed $0…yes, that’s a big fat ZERO…you’d get the prize…the little prize, because the big prize goes to the real beneficiaries of the “Victory Fund”… the incredible…the amazing…wait for it…wait for it…

THE STRATEGERY GROUP, INC (Jeff Ward, et al)…who got a whopping $8,054.70!!! Woo Hoo! Way to go guys, what a score!!! You did a great job of getting that money to deserving Republican Candidates…NOT!

Note from our own Chester the Chuckleberry Jester:

“If I had been silly enough to give money to the guys pretending to be the Reagan Republicans, I’d be demanding a refund! I’d send my demand to Jeff Ward a/k/a “The Strategery Group”, which is the alter ego of the “Reagan Republican Victory Fund(s)” at 5180 E. Seltice Way #C, Post Falls, ID 83854.” (Chester is not a real person folks, but he has a good point!)

Hello, C’dA Press, are you awake?

Note from Chester:  “A journalist, a journalist, my kingdom for a journalist!”  (With apologies to Willie!)