Green Wins Cd’A Press Poll For Sheriff…

Not that it’s scientific or anything, but hey, a win is a win…

See it at:  (copy paste into your browser…we don’t like live links)

Anyone attend the Republican Forum at Candlelight Fellowship Friday night?

Catch it on the Republican Party web site at soon

Anyone who votes for “Hutch” after watching his performance need serious professional help!

By the way “Hutch” you should quit telling everyone that you quit the tribe to run for Sheriff. Truth be told they wouldn’t have you back because of the insensitive comment you made to the Wall Street Journal about Hispanics and Tribal members…ooops, bet you were hoping that didn’t come up…Sorry “Hutch” but we have to save you from yourself! The full story will be appearing soon. (And while your at it, quit taking credit for stuff Tom Cronin did as Chief…that’s just not nice Keith!)

Coming Up This Week:  New revelations about the “Reagan Republicans”- Strategery Cabal and part two of our story “The Shell Game”

Storm Front Warning (Updated)…

There’s a storm front coming (mood indigo)
White water running and the pressure is low
Storm front coming (mood indigo)
Small craft warning on the radio

…Billy Joel said it best!

We’ll be at the Reagan Republicans meeting today, noon at Fedora’s – 1726 West Kathleen Avenue  Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815 (208)765-8888.

Update:  It was a bust! Boring, boring, boring…Needless to say this didn’t happen…”Barry McHugh will be speaking…about how he is going to demand that KCRR start obeying Idaho Campaign Law…(we can hope…can’t we?)

Join us, won’t you?

Jeff and Ron, haven’t you sullied the name of Ronald Reagan enough yet? You should do the honorable thing and resign immediately!

That’s our opinion and we’re stickin’ to it!