Gookins’ Goof…

…has nothing to do with his relationship the ReCall C’dA supporters…we support him in that.

However, as far as we know, he’s still on the board of the Reagan Republicans. That is the only thing that we believe hurts his credibility.

RR claims to be on the side of the good folks at Recall C’dA who respect property rights…we think this is a bit disingenuous as they are also supporting Dan Green and Todd Tondee (glass of 5K kool-aide guys?) who have been leading the effort to enact the new land rights infringing Code.

RR cannot seriously claim responsibility for getting Gookin, Adams and Malloy, great guys all, elected, yet that’s exactly what they claim.  These men would have been elected anyway because they understand liberty and prosperity and they “walk the walk”. They know that limited government is best!

Our suggestion to Dan Gookin is that he closely examine the Sunshine report of the “Victory Fund”, re-read our earlier posts on RR and consider doing the prudent thing regarding his board position. (Free advice to all current and former RR board members…you better get a handle on your “organization” fast!)

Just a suggestion Dan, FWIW…

Go ReCall Cd’A!

Drive A Liberal Nuts…

…go visit the Recall CdA Headquarters at 296 W. Sunset Avenue, Suite 21, Coeur d’Alene, ID,  which is now open.  It is in the Sunset Village mall next to Wild Birds Unlimited and Las Chevelas Mexican Restaurant and is easily seen from US 95.  The most convenient street entrance is from Bosanko, then turn into the parking lot.

While you’re there sign the Petition! (Tell em Chuckleberries sent you.)