Desperate Is as Desperate Does…

and man, are these guys getting desperate!

The series we began yesterday is to draw attention to the hypocrisy of the “Reagan Republicans.” If you have been paying attention, you will notice that they have been touting “ethics in government” as one of their key issues for the 2012 campaign.  Just in the last few weeks we discovered that Reagan Republicans were responsible for “proxygate” and in another snafu a violation for Federal Election Commission’s rules.  Then there is the violation of the IRS 501 (c) 4 Social Welfare designation (apparently not yet acknowledged by the IRS), which has nothing to do with all of the political activities of the Reagan Republicans.  If our research confirms what we suspect, there could be some hefty IRS fines for all of the RR board members for their blatant election engineering under the guise of being “social welfare” advocates.

It now looks like we have yet another ethics breach by the “ethics champions” themselves, and that is the endorsement of Mark Fisher by Jeff Ward on Reagan Republican’s letterhead.  What is wrong with this Reagan Republican endorsement is that the RR board hotly debated whether or not they would get behind either Mark Fisher for State Representative District 2 seat A, or the incumbent Rep. Vito Barbieri.  The debate was inconclusive, so neither candidate was endorsed.  Nothing wrong with that outcome for a divided group – no winner, no endorsement.

But what was wrong was Jeff Ward, on his own, endorsing Mark Fisher on Reagan Republican letterhead thus giving the impression that the entire organization was in fact endorsing the man. (Hey, Fish, did you pay 5K to drink the kool-aide? Mayo and Fish, a rancid Liberal sandwich! Barbieri and Hart, a solid Conservative Team!)  Uncle Jeff appears to us to be a master of spin and deception (Shell Game Jeff?).   Not only that, but RR’s number one target for 2012 is Rep. Barbieri’s seat-mate, Phil Hart.  Our sources tell us that in 1980 Phil Hart worked on the Reagan for President campaign.  While Phil Hart was hard at work to get Ronald Reagan elected, many of today’s “Reagan Republicans” were busy accusing Reagan of “voodoo economics”.   However, now that Ronald Reagan is popular, all the moderates and liberals want to be known as “Reagan Republicans.”

The recent flyer that the Reagan Republicans sent out, the one that violated the FEC rules (yes, we know how much they spent), asks the question, “What would Reagan do?”  We at Chuckleberries think if Reagan were alive today he would demand that this bunch of political opportunists quit using and abusing his name!

Question to RR board members:  Did you approve Uncle Jeff going behind your back and endorsing Mark Fisher?

STAY TUNED…our expose continues soon with “The Shell Game”.

Time for some soul searching Tyler! Will you be led by the Pied Piper?  WWRD…indeed!

WWRD? He’d Obey The Law!..

We apologize for not posting  Uncle Jeff’s Guide To Political Truth and Ethics Vol. I” as promised.  Things are moving “fast and furious” around here and we’ve uncovered so much more information in our quest for Truth (we’ll get to that soon) that we thought we should lay out a little foundation for our story.

The following statements, opinions and conclusions are based on our review of public documents. We will tell you how to obtain them for yourself when we conclude.

Hold on everyone, this is going to be a bumpy ride!

Introduction:  The “Players”

Let’s look a little closer at what we call The Strategery Cabal…

The “Big Cheese”

The Strategery Group, Inc. is an Idaho For Profit, Business Corporation. One “Ron Lahr” of Post Falls, Idaho, incorporated it on March 14, 2011 at 8:58AM.  The corporation is authorized to issue 10,000 shares of stock and according to their web site; the principals are Ron Lahr, Jeffery Ward, Jonathan Pool and Scott Carpenter.  Most people we have spoken to are of the opinion that principally Jeff Ward and Ron Lahr own Strategery.

The “Shill”

The Kootenai County Reagan Republicans claim they are “an unincorporated nonprofit social welfare public benefit association and is not organized for the private gain of any person.  It is organized under the IDAHO UNIFORM UNINCORPORATED NONPROFIT ASSOCIATION ACT for public purposes. Further, they claim that they are organized and operated exclusively for social welfare purposes within the meaning of United States IRC 501 (c) (4).”

We have verified that Reagan Republicans is NOT registered with the Idaho Secretary of State (SOS web site), and it has NOT obtained tax-exempt status recognition from the IRS (IRS web site).

The top three executives of the “association” are Ron Lahr, President, Jeff Ward, Treasurer and Jeff Tyler, First Vice President.

The “Accomplices”

The “Reagan Republican Victory Fund” is a registered political committee. Its “Chairman” is Jeff Ward and its “Treasurer” is Jeff Tyler.

The “Reagan Republican Victory Fund – Municipal” is a registered political committee. Its “Chairman” is Jeff Tyler and its “Treasurer” is Jeff Ward.

Next Episode:  “The Shell Game” Wait until you see where the money’s been flowing!

Note to Uncle Jeff…go ahead and mail out that big campaign piece…we dare you! We know how much you have spent and how you think you can keep it a secret. Even the FEC will see through it after we lay out the facts. Do you really think you can dissuade us by claiming you cleared it with a phone call? Ha!. (The trail to your graphics Gal and how she was paid was pretty easy to uncover too, by the way.)

Note to current and former board members of KCRR…you better pay attention to this story and take it seriously!

Note to Donors…If you have “contributed” money to the KCRR, RRVF or RRVF-Municipal, you will want to pay special attention too!

What does $5,000 and a Reagan Republicans Endorsement Buy You?…

A Glamour Shot and a stupid post card!

Form over substance fools stupid Republican Candidates Strategery victims every time!

Flags in the arm pit are a nice touch Barry…shows your patriotic spirit…NOT!

Reagan Republican Endorsements are conservatives?  The only candidates who have nothing to say so they say…well, NOTHING!