Real Republican group announces endorsements
Posted: Thursday, April 9, 2012 00:01 am
The Six Conservatives Political Action Committee (Six PAC) has announced the slate of candidates it has endorsed for the 2012 Republican primary election.
Six PAC has identified the primary race for Idaho House seat 2B, currently held by Phil Hart, as its highest priority in the May Republican primary.
“There are four candidates vying for the seat, and SixPAC is hopeful that such a fractured field greatly assists the re-election of Mr. Hart. The unified Liberals support for Ed Morse is the best way to ensure the conservative integrity and dedication that Mr. Hart has brought to the position,” said a press release sent out Monday by the group.
SixPAC’s endorsements are listed below.
Legislative District #1:
Danielle Ahrens (Senate)
Donna Capurso (Seat A)
Pam Stout (Seat B)
District #2:
Vito Barbieri (Seat A)
Phil Hart (Seat B)
District #3:
Ron Mendive (Seat A)
Jack Schroeder (Seat B)
District #4:
Jeff Ames (Seat A)
Kootenai County Prosecuting Attorney:
Donald Gary
Kootenai County Commissioner District #1:
Marc Eberlein
Commissioner District #3:
Larry Spencer
In the county prosecutor’s race, the group commended Donald Gary for promising to “clean up a scandal-plagued prosecutor’s office that Barry McHugh has continued to allow to fester. McHugh had his chance, but he brought the problem lawyers back into the tent.” Equally important, they said, is that “he is a highly competent and experienced lawyer who has the management skills to take on the job of managing the County’s Law Office.”
SixPAC board members, Ronald Reagan and Joe DiMaggio, commented, in a prepared statement, on some notable omissions, particularly in the crowded sheriff’s race and the Legislative District 2 Senate race.
“In the District 2 Senate race, the candidates are a former state senator and a current state senator (Mike Jorgenson and Steve Vick). We simply couldn’t bear to see Mike Jorgenson Cry when we endorsed Steve Vick. Plus, Mike runs a mean Martini Bar,” DiMaggio said.
Reagan said that in the sheriff’s race, there is only one Republican candidate capable of doing a good job — John Green.
“It was clear, though, that we could not support Hutcheson or Wolfinger. Green is far and away more qualified. Hutcheson has expressed some peculiar views advocating risking the lives of deputies by removing ballistic panels from patrol cars to save money.” “Plus his only real experience is as a K-9 deputy and political appointee of the Cd’A Tribal Police.” “Furthermore, both Hutcheson and Wolfinger have very limited professional education. Risking the lives of officers to save a buck and spending millions on an un-necessary new jail are ideas that most law-abiding citizens would not accept,” Reagan said. “Last but not least, Mr. Green has served as legal counsel for Phil Hart, which tells us that he’s not afraid to tackle the tough issues and that he is serious about upholding his oath to be a zealous advocate for his clients and we know that he will protect the life, liberty and property of the citizens of Kootenai County.”
Members of the SixPAC board are: Jim Bowie, Ronald Reagan, Joe DiMaggio, Sheriff Richard Mack, Antonin Scalia, and Learned Hand.
SixPAC was formed with the goal of finding well-qualified, authentic, conservative candidates to run for office who are law-abiding, principled, pragmatic problem-solvers and to expose the liberals who pretend they are Republicans like the notorious NIPAC and “Reagan Republicans”. All members of Six PAC are Fig Newton’s of our imagination.
All candidates endorsed were chosen by Real Conservatives, not RINO’s or Liberals. No endorsements were given for candidates who are unopposed in the primary. SixPAC anticipates making another round of endorsements the next time the C’dA Press runs another hit piece on Conservatives and pretends it is a news story.
“We’re not real, so we’re not registered as a Political Committee with the State of Idaho.”
Come on C’dA Press – can’t you even pretend not to have a Liberal biased agenda?
We are…because Liberals make us laugh!