Have a blessed Easter…

…we’re closed in observance of Good Friday and through Easter Sunday!

Have a blessed Easter!

John 11:25-26
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.

Romans 1:4-5
And Jesus Christ our Lord was shown to be the Son of God when God powerfully raised him from the dead by means of the Holy Spirit. Through Christ, God has given us the privilege and authority to tell Gentiles everywhere what God has done for them, so that they will believe and obey him, bringing glory to his name.

Romans 6:8-11
Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.


Breaking News…

…Mayogate: from the “Wish We Had A Real Local News Outlet!” department.

Sources tell us that Representative Phil Hart was spotted today at the Burger King on Mullan, in Post Falls. He ordered a small drink, fries and Whopper, “hold the Mayo”.

Witnesses say a small child asked him why he didn’t like Mayo?  “I like Mayo,” responded Hart, “It’s just that I’m trying to cut calories!”  Seemingly satisfied with Mr. Hart’s response, the young boy thanked Mr. Hart for the copy of the U.S. Constitution Hart presented to him.

It appears that incensed Liberals are flooding the SCDC (Southern Condiment Discrimination Center) with calls and angry emails demanding that Mr. Hart be banished from fast food establishments in the Post Falls area.  Head of the Condiment Lovers Union, Doo-ane Harrasmussen (our favorite fictional Liberal) was quoted in the morning edition of the “award winning” blog featured on Speakless Rebuke Newspaper –“Hucksterberry’s”, as having cried…”Will no one save us from this Hartless condiment denier!”

We received a press release this morning from Hart challenger Ed Morse, who stated, “I’ll be your mayonnaise man!” New signs have been popping up all over Liberal and Democrat controlled properties through out the Hayden area that read, “Morse the Mayonnaise Man!”

Mr. Hart’s office released the following statement:  “The Constitution protects our right to hold the Mayo” and “Burger King’s slogan “Have it your way!” is Constitution friendly.”

This parody sponsored by: Republicans Exposing Reagan Republican Lunacy P.A.C. and the Doesn’t The Media Have Anything Better To Do Than Trash Phil Hart P.A.C.

Note to Media:  How about a story about Phil Hart, on the fact that he saves his constituents money, in fact he saves all taxpayers, by driving back and forth (not flying) to Boise during the legislative session? How about a story on the fact that Phil Hart has paid way more in taxes than would constitute his “fair share”?  How about a story on what the tax law really says? How about a story about how Phil Hart, at his own expense, fought to protect the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution? (What has the “Mayo Man” done to protect, support and defend the Constitution?) How about a story on the lack of justice in America…in Idaho…in Kootenai County?

Note to Phil: Thank you Phil Hart for saving us money and for having the sense to stop and take a nap on that very long and lonely drive! We know how hard you work for Liberty! The REAL Conservatives support you!

P.S. We Hart Burger King! (No Kidding)

Coming Soon!  Proxygate…just the facts, M’am!

Is That You Uncle Jeff…

…that we spotted at the Recall Cd’A Rally?

The same Uncle Jeff of Strategery infamy?

The same Strategery that is working hard to get Dan Green and Todd Tondee re-elected?

The same Dan Green and Todd Tondee  that want to take away our right to elect our Sheriff, County Clerk and other government officials? What about that vote that they want to deny us?

A tad incongruent…would’t you say, Jeff?

Hmmmm, perhaps we should be digging  a little deeper…oh, but wait…we are

Ignore the man behind the curtain ladies and gentlemen!  Support Recall C’dA!

Total Recall…

…well at least for the Liberals!

Mary Sousa and the good folks over at opencda.com are calling for a recall of the Liberal “Who needs a vote, we’ll spend your money for you!” gang at the C’dA City Council.

“A recall of Mayor Sandi Bloem and Council members Mike Kennedy, Deanna Goodlander and Woody McEvers will be filed with the CdA City Clerk tomorrow, Wednesday, April 4th, at 10:00am.”

Ok all you Conservative C’dA’ers…time to put up or shut up! Get in there and lend a hand with the heavy lifting…support Mary in this effort…before it’s too late.

More info at http://opencda.com/

DeLange Out…

Jeri DeLange has withdrawn from the May 15 Republican primary election for District 2 State Representative Seat B.

“DeLange believes that it’s more important to step aside to allow a greater opportunity for the incumbent to be defeated because it’s inappropriate for an elected official and lawmaker to demand a special standard that is not equal to the same other citizens are bound to by state, federal, and local laws.”

Jeri, have you been living on Mars? Phil Hart is the hardest working member of the Legislature. He has NEVER asked for, nor expected any “special standard”. If you and the rest of the Doo-ane / Morose Troglodytes would actually spend a little time learning the FACTS, you’d be on board to make sure Phil Hart was re-elected.

You and the “Why Not” wackos could give a flip about freedom.  Power is all you care about! Shame on you and every one of the pseudonym cowards that think you have carte blanche to smear the name of a fine man like Phil Hart!

Out of the race…good riddance!

P.S. One positive for you is that now when Hart trounces Morse he can’t blame the loss on you taking away votes.