Posts about Alex Barron

We’ve set this page up to serve as an index to the numerous posts we’ve made about Alex Barron, candidate for Senate district 3. We’ll just keep adding to it as new posts are made. They’re in order from our first to the last on the subject.

  1. Pulling All Stops for a Vote
  2. Playing the Race Card
  3. Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste
  4. He’s Alex, He Does What He Wants
  5. Alex Barron and ABC ISP
  6. Alex Barron and ABC ISP Part 2
  7. Alex Makes Boise Leaks
  8. Alex Says Full Steam Ahead! 
  9. Alex the Identity Politics Master
  10. Alex’s Unusual DD-214
  11. Alex and American Factory
  12. Alex Barron Shoots a Neighbor’s Dog
  13. Alex Barron’s Motto
  14. Alex Barron Put into Perspective
  15. Alex Barron Receives Money from Democrats 
  16. Alex’s Power of Persuasion 
  17. Alex Barron Going to Court…Again 
  18. Alex Survived an Abortion???
  19. New Information Flyer for Alex Barron
  20. Open Questions for Alex
  21. Alex’s 20 Worst Days
  22. Arrogant Alex Pontificates 
  23. Update on Alex’s Childhood in the Hood
  24. Alex Squawks at Anonymous Bloggers
  25. Alex Makes Rino Times April 2020
  26. Alex is a an Engineer Now? 
  27. Alex Barron’s Stolen Valor? 
  28. Alex Commits DOD Trademark Infringement
  29. Alex Barron. Realtor or Politician?
  30. Alex B Falsely Accuses His Opponent
  31. Does the KCRCC Have a Secretary?
  32. Alex Barron’s Errant Sunshine Reports

BOISE LEAKS Expose on Alex