Shame On Bill Brooks…Candidate Secrets Keep Voters Ignorant!..






Well, as promised, here are the Brooks Bankruptcy Documents.

Keep in mind that these are public record folks! How did the entire county miss this? Why didn’t the Cd’A Press expose this? Were they too busy reporting fake news against John Green???

This does not look good!

3 years ago, Bill Brooks was totally BROKE!!!

His Bankruptcy filings look pretty bad….

If he’s disabled by Agent Orange cancer, why is he not getting more than $133 bucks in disability?

Why is there not a boatload of medical expense listed???

Why wasn’t he making any money 3 years ago?

Brooks holds himself out as a Real Estate wheeler-dealer!!!

What gives?

Bill, do you really expect us to hire you to be one of the 3 Chief Executives for Kootenai County? And you want to manage our tax money?

Sorry for your tough times Bill, but this just ain’t gonna work!

Oh, by the way…Bill gives us this advice on his website…good advice or a fishy story? (Read his BK records closely!)

Take a Look!

BrooksBK1 BrooksBK2 BrooksBK3

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