The Best Support Money Can Buy

We’ve had several people contact us about endorsements Doug-No has recently put up on his campaign Facebook page. So we had ourselves a looksie to see what the noise was about. So far he’s posted two endorsements, and they’ll likely be others before the primary.

Note, we don’t knock anybody that offers their support for Doug. It is their God given right. However, we do hope anyone thinking of supporting Doug will weigh the evidence provided by this site and Boise Leaks before jumping on the Doug-No train.

Endorsement ONe

Endorsement one is by outgoing district 3 senator Don Cheatham. Don retired from the LA Police Department after 25 years of service, including being a detective specializing in political corruption.  Don was so skilled at his detective skills, he was able to get a job after retirement with the Department of Homeland Security, as the Protective Security Advisor for the Southwest United States. A very prestigious role, where he worked hand in hand with the FBI. (Put a pin in Don’s career, it might be important in an upcoming post.)

We’re scratching our heads at how a guy that was touted as an expert in political corruption, and is an esteemed detective can ignore the body of evidence against Doug. No, it’s not just because Doug is trying to get gambling into Idaho we’re talking about. As an astute detective, he should be able at the minimum to hone in on the buying of political favors, and personal financial incentive that Doug-No has in the gambling world. If Don is everything his storied career claims, he should be able to see the numerous questions involving the activities of Doug-No and his employers, such as these:

The Questions
    1. Did Doug have legal authority to sign for AIM, Inc. in 1999, when he isn’t listed as an officer? 
    2. Did AIM management pay their sister companies for services at Bluffs Run Casino, in order to show less profit? Have they done the same at Greyhound Park?
    3. Under Doug’s direction did BRC profit from slot machines, instead of paying debt and or increasing purses?
    4. Did AIM, Inc. funnel money through non-profits in an effort to shelter profits?
    5. How do the substantial profits of AIM work with the major losses of it’s sister company Alabama/Idaho from 1989-1999?
    6. Where’d all the money AIM, Inc. earned in their Iowa buyout go? CLICK HERE to understand these first 6 questions better.
    7. How can Greyhound Park legally claim 32 consecutive years of losses, to the tune of millions of dollars, when the IRS only allows losses every 3 out of 5 years?
    8. Does Greyhound Park shelter their profit in the Green Idaho Foundation, and with political contributions?
    9. What conflict of interest does Doug have by being the owner of numerous slot machine patents, and lobbying for legalized non-tribal gaming in Idaho? 
    10. Was it a conflict of interest for Doug-No’s slot machine patents to be used in Tribal casinos, while lobbying against Tribal casinos? 
    11. Being employed in the gambling industry and owning several gaming patents, what conflict of interest does Doug-O have, if he were elected and he voted on gaming legislation? 

There are likely more questions, but this is a good start. But we’re left wondering, how can a guy with as storied a law enforcement career as Don, just turn a blind eye to these? Well folks, that is a question for another day.We do know Doug gave Don $1,000 in 2018. Don returned the favor and gave $1,000 to Doug’s campaign, in 2020. So in theory, Winning for Idaho gave money to Don, to season for 2 years, then Don gave it back. Winning for Idaho, the group Doug was president of gave him $1,000 already, so they are tapped out. Perhaps Don’s donation was a way Winning for Idaho could pay Doug twice? Hmmm, that’s an interesting concept.

Endorsement 2

The newest endorsement Doug-No is touting is from Cliff Bayer. Cliff served in the Idaho House of Representatives from 2003-2012, then moved over to the Senate where he served from 2012-2019. By trade Cliff is a medical researcher, which means he understands the methodical nature of research. Yet like Don, he too has ignored the documentation against Doug-No. Hmmm, we wonder why? Possibly it’s because Cliff received $4,000 from Winning for Idaho while he was elected. So it would appear Doug simply bought political favor. We’ve actually heard great things about Cliff as a person, so we don’t hold his endorsement of Doug-NO against him. We just wish he’d thoroughly research the evidence before signing off on Doug. Remember, it’s never too late to yank an endorsement Cliff.


Well folks, it should be no surprise that Doug-No has spent well over a decade buttering the bread of numerous elected officials. Don’t be shocked if more throw in their support without looking at the evidence. A word of caution to anyone thinking of endorsing Doug-No. Are you really willing to stake your political career on a guy that has numerous potentially damning legal questions circling him? You can always just admit you were in the dark at the time he gave your campaign a donation, and choose not to endorse him. Have integrity and do the right thing


One thought on “The Best Support Money Can Buy”

  1. Don’s wife worked Special Investigations Bureau (Intelligence) of LA Sheriff for a time as a Deputy Sheriff , giving her sufficient experience to be looking closely at every influence in her and her husband’s life from a mature informed perspective that criminals seek police protection in any way they can get it, or pay for it. That is why the FBI, where are they hereabouts anyhow, have a Public Corruption Section.

    Lynn was very well thought of, in her time there. Ask me how I know. And Don has been threatened, he once told me, by crooked LAPD-related folks who were offended when he took down their criminal enterprise that involved alleged murder for hire.

    Most white collar crime is eventually solved by the Internal Revenue Service anyhow, I guess. One cannot expect local FBI or a lowly County Sheriff to concern themselves with such matters.

    But then, hereabouts, we don’t think much of the IRS, right John?

    It does focus your attention, when a powerful wagering expert like Doug O calls the personal cell phone of a lowly non-partisan Kootenai Sheriff candidate, a lowly retired LA Sheriff Captain of the Organized Crime and Vice (Gambling) Bureau, (who is currently looking at the destructive and corrupt Baca/Tanaka Homeland Security Advisory Council badge and payoff club as related FBI corruption is exposed), to just “chat it up”.

    Maybe Don and Lynn can explain to me the significance of that, with all their law enforcement and Idaho political experience.

    It is nice to be noticed.

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