And AlmostInnocentBystander is…

The day many in North Idaho have been awaiting for has finally arrived.  The identity of a HBO commenter known as Almost Innocent Bystander, who made libelous comments about Tina Jacobson, has been revealed.


She officially outed herself in the CDA Press, and is none other than Linda Cook, the hoorah-rah cheerleader for ‘number 35’ Mike Jorgenson.  The identities of the other two anonymous commenters haven’t officially been released.

But that’s okay Phaedrus aka Thom George, your secret is safe with us.

More to come….

Chester Chuckles

6 thoughts on “And AlmostInnocentBystander is…”

  1. Thanks captain obvious for that last point. Everyone knew because DFO outed him to another poster over a facebook de-friending. But for some reason, the emperor still parades around sans garments.

    [Chester- There are many around these parts that don’t know Thom George’s online moniker. Just trying to help them out.

    On another note DooFo outed Thom originally, and now he’s booted someone from his blog for referring to this blog. …D-O-O-F-O, and DooFo was his name oh.]

  2. I know for a fact that DOOFO outed a friend of mine about 5 years ago. He should get a ball and glove and send himself to the Cooler.

    [Chester- DooFo has a history of outing people he gets fussy with. Just ask Tubob, Phaedrus, and now Dinosaurman.]

  3. Thinking back even further, didn’t he out anymouse too?

    Sorry if I sounded snarky in my earlier post, just pointing out that it is the worst kept secret.

    [Chester- And that is why HBO stands for Hypocritical Bloggers Online. The place where outing isn’t allowed, except by DooFo.]

  4. How come you guys/gals take shots at annon bloggers, yet I see nothing about you?… It’s ground hog day folks, come out and see your shadow….

    [Mr. Chamberlain and just why would I do that? Besides what sport would their be in telling you who I am?- Chester]

  5. Ahh So that is what it is a sport? Do you win something? It certainly is not respect? It is like you make up the rules as you go? Not much of a sport when you hold the rule book and just SAY what the rules are. [Just like your puppet master makes up the rules for his blog, yes I make up the rules for mine. Typical liberal blithering. Move along folks nothing to see.]

    Also.. Hey thanks for calling me MR. That is respectful.. ooops… 5 word penalty for using Civility [DTS is just upset because his buddies were outed and some have ran off for good.]

    [Liberals are so fun to tease. -Chester ]

  6. Yea, conservatives are no fun to tease either. It is probably because of the lack of the Humor Gene. [Ummm, our name is Chester the Jester!]

    As for running off friends… I really don’t know, nor have met any of the bloggers on that site other than maybe that mysterious guy Mike Kennedy, years ago. Oh wait.. make that MikeK… it is such a great kept secret. 🙂 [Funny we’ve met most of them!]

    Fun being said…. Dude, I realize that you think that a cheap blur on the kids faces is sufficient, but I know it bothers her and their parents. If you want I will send you a good picture of her and you can Photoshop to your hearts content. It is just uncool to bring kids in like that. [The innocent had their faces blurred. At the time it was the only decent picture available. Now that she’s put up a ‘churched up’ photo, we might be inclined to change it.]

    If that is your style, so be it.. but I don’t think it is. [Style is our middle name.]

    (Note from Chester: Let’s hear it for Dave Chamberlain ladies and gentlemen!)

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