Tuesday Random News

While not official, Chuckle Berries has heard from a few reliable sources that Pastor Tim Remington will not be running in the election. Someone get Camp Bedke a box of overpriced tissues.  As soon as we have 100% confirmation we’ll post it here. Thank you Pastor Tim!

In other news. Great googly moogly this sheriff’s race is a mud slinging hate-fest.  Notice at the epicenter stand Larry-Boy Spencer and Little Debbie Rose. Remember folks when you dig to the bottom of a rumor and either of those two jokers are involved…its time to disregard the rumor. They each create so much drama, they should start an acting school together called Tweedle’s Wheedles (see end of post for what that means). But back on point, why can’t some of the rumors circling each sheriff’s candidate get squashed already? It’s high time to put up or shut up. If there is definitive proof a candidate has skeletons in their closet, then provide it! Stop perpetuating rumors based off the lies of the aforementioned twins.

Chester’s quick take on the sheriff’s race. It’s the nastiest race we’ve seen in some time. Think Tyson vs. Holyfield, with more gnashing of teeth and smack talk.  Look there are strengths and weaknesses for each candidate. We’ll try to sift the truth from the rumors and give a line up of best to worst candidates. In the meantime we recommend voters do their own research. If you find something bad that has documentation, send it in and we’ll post it. Also a warning. Camp Norris and Camp Grimm, you both have a yahoo you need to ditch. Don’t let Lizard Larry and Little Debbie taint your campaigns…you gotta trust us on this.


Larry Da Liz Strikes Again

Speaking of the the male Tweedle Twin, we had a few savvy readers send in this little jewel from a Bonner County Facebook group today. So let’s get this straight. Lizard Larry who is almost 5 years behind on child support and has MAJOR tax and legal debt, was able to graciously spend 50 grand of his own money on a mailer? He’s just that generous of a guy he’ll drop that much change to inform voters? Hold the phone Liz. We’re quite sure you were behind that mailer, but we highly doubt you paid a dime out of your pocket. Either you bilked several people, or one of the cash cows you’ve put blinders on bankrolled it. Regardless, you flaunt this on Facebook to impress the masses to stroke your maniacal ego. (Fishing for a date?) Another point, notice how da Liz paints himself as the Godfather of Idaho Politics. Sociopath much Liz?

Honestly we’re a bit surprised da Liz isn’t behind the shortage of toilet paper at Costco, and selling it for 5 bucks a roll. Sorry for giving him that idea folks…you know you laughed.

Working hard on some big stories, with a couple of guest posts coming soon! Yes, you heard us right, we are going to allow a guest or three to write a post. By our recommendation they’ll remain anonymous. Don’t want any wild ones showing up on their doorstep at 3 in the morning smelling of cheap whiskey, a damaged ego, and heaped up regret. Cough, Cough, Larry, Alex, Cough, Cough.

Chester, with a little help tonight from a bit of Umpqua ice cream.

Wheedle means, “To influence or entice with flattery or guile”, we think it fits…

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