Update on Alex’s Childhood in the Hood

An astute berry-picker found a gem on Senate candidate Alex Barron. Before getting started Alex has repeatedly stuck with the story that he grew up in the Cabrini Green housing projects of Chicago. When asked if he lived elsewhere, he’s dodged the question and stuck with his story.

In a 2017 interview on the American Redoubt by the Sandpoint Reader, Alex discussed his childhood briefly. Click on the image to the right to see the applicable section. We highlighted the pertinent parts. CLICK HERE to read the original article.

A few observations

Alex has finally admitted he didn’t grow up in the Cabrini Green, but was only born there. This agrees with research that shows his Social Security card was issued in California in 1977. But one of the ways he’s admitted it is his lack of knowing the common slang for these projects. No one that grew up there called this building the “white projects”. These projects were built over a 20 year period, beginning in 1942. Some were built with a red brick facade, others were drab white concrete buildings. The locals called them the “Whites” and the “Reds” based off these colors. If Alex wasn’t around them much, it’s understandable why he incorrectly called them the “white projects”. The address he listed was on the North edge of Cabrini Green, right next to a school. Remember Alex claimed he went to a school 8 miles from the north edge. Yet a school was in the Cabrini Green. The picture is the building just prior to demolition.


We’ve oft said how can you tell when Alex is lying? When his mouth is open…. This interview is proof of that again. But was he even telling the truth here? Honestly we don’t know. If he would provide his birth certificate and a detailed history of his childhood homes, then we could finally put this issue to rest.

Some readers might ask why the issue of where he was raised is important. An elected official needs to be transparent about their life and not get caught consistently in lies over something as basic as where they were born and raised. If Arrogant Alex can’t be trusted to come clean on this, then how can he be trusted to represent the people of his district with verity and honor? But another reason, is he uses this to drum up emotional support. He wants voters to think he was an abused minority that grew up in a crime ridden ghetto, and that he overcame that. In his mind this story makes him special and somehow more capable to represent his district.

While on the subject of Alex’s lies, here is another. He keeps claiming he was the first of his family to ever get a college education. But in the next breath he talks about being raised by his mother who was a nurse.  Ummmm Alex you weren’t born in a period that nursing was something they learned on the job….they needed an education. So either your mom wasn’t a nurse, or she had a college education first. Either way there is yet another lie.

Upcoming news

Folks, we have more upcoming on Arrogant Alex, but we’ll spread it out a bit. We have bigger fish to tackle for the time being. Seems as though a political candidate from District 2 by the name of Doug needs to be chuckled….oh boy have we got some news for you. Also on the list, some serious questions about Idaho House leader Scott Bedke have been raised. We’re compiling the research now, but the “Good ole boy” network is gonna get chuckled as well.

We have other news from the KCRCC, but we can’t let that outta the bag yet. We’ll post these as soon as we’re given the green light.

Stay safe and pray for the brave churches that plan to worship corporately, regardless of little Brad’s Commie stay at home order. Our hat is off to you folks, you’re standing up to tyranny. May God bless each of you for your bravery.


P.S. Did Brad Little scare the sunshine off from North Idaho too?

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