Waaaaaaaaaaa, Waaaaaaaa…

…They can dish it, but they don’t like the taste!







Well, the Whiney Babies over at HBO are feeling a little blue over our “Outing”. So much so that DooFo has resorted to calling for a little retaliatory HARASSMENT!

Since HBO fans are not known for their smarts we thought it might be helpful for them if we provided them with a bit of a start on their “legal research”….

So…DooFers…we direct your attention to the Idaho Code excerpts below…





18-7901. Purpose. The legislature finds and declares that it is the right of every person regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion or national origin, to be secure and protected from fear, intimidation, harassment, and physical harm caused by the activities of groups and individuals. It is not the intent of this act to interfere with the exercise of rights protected by the constitution of the United States. The legislature recognizes the constitutional right of every citizen to harbor and express beliefs on any subject whatsoever and to associate with others who share similar beliefs. The legislature further finds that the advocacy of unlawful acts by groups or individuals against other persons or groups for the purpose of inciting and provoking damage to property and bodily injury or death to persons is not constitutionally protected, poses a threat to public order and safety, and should be subject to criminal sanctions.

18-7902. Malicious harassment defined — Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person, maliciously and with the specific intent to intimidate or harass another person because of that person’s race, color, religion, ancestry, or national origin, to:

(a)  Cause physical injury to another person; or

(b)  Damage, destroy, or deface any real or personal property of another person; or

(c)  Threaten, by word or act, to do the acts prohibited if there is reasonable cause to believe that any of the acts described in subsections (a) and (b) of this section will occur.

For purposes of this section, “deface” shall include, but not be limited to, cross-burnings or the placing of any word or symbol commonly associated with racial, religious or ethnic terrorism on the property of another person without his or her permission.

And…OH, BY THE WAY…before you start “harassing” some poor guy in Texas, who we don’t know and doesn’t know us, you should read…


18-7906. Stalking in the second degree. (1) A person commits the crime of stalking in the second degree if the person knowingly and maliciously:

(a)  Engages in a course of conduct that seriously alarms, annoys or harasses the victim and is such as would cause a reasonable person substantial emotional distress; or

We intend to continue to laugh a Liberals and shine light on their real identity, when they hide behind phony names, as they do to others what they don’t like to have done for themselves!

Hey DooFo…Mr. “Elder” in a church…how about practicing a little more of what that Bible says!

BTW: What make’s them think we’re in Idaho anyway? (Or Not!)

Chester the Jester

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