Why is Greg Delavan Running?

We’ve had a few people ask us if we know the reasons Greg Delavan is running for Kootenai County Commissioner District 2. In asking about the answer keeps coming back with the same response. It’s not for the paycheck, or to represent the citizens of the county as a constitutionally elected official protecting their rights. Instead it’s to see if he can help resolve the wake zone issue for the CDA Lakeshore POA, of which he is the president of.  They worked with Rep. Jim Addis on a legislative approach, but it failed. So now the plan is that if Greg is a Commish, he can lead the charge with the county making some form of resolution to fix the problem. How exactly he’d manage that is up for debate…remember a small portion of CDA lake is in Benewah County.

We’re not going to dive deep into the wake-zone issue, because it’s a long convoluted issue. Sure we agree that boaters creating wakes do cause damage to property and erode shorelines. But there are existing no wake zones and speed limits on the lake. Boaters ignore those and keep the Sheriff’s department busy writing tickets. If more stringent restrictions were in place on the lake, some boaters would still break the rules. How often have speed limit signs on roads kept all drivers obeying the law?

Now we think Greg is a nice guy, and well spoken. But to run on one issue alone, which benefits his personal property is disingenuous to the citizens. Why can’t he modify his dock to not be tossed around as bad with the wakes? If what we are hearing is true, it’s akin to someone running for commissioner because they want their rural gravel road paved.

While on the subject of the lake, there seems to be a more pressing issue than the wake zones. What about the health of the lake? It’s a well known fact the bottom of the lake is laden with tons of heavy metals. We’re not talking the big hair band kinda heavy metal either. It might be in the CDA Lakeshore POA’s best interest to work with state legislators to find a better management model, before the long arm of the EPA steps in. If they roll in dead-set on fixing things, that would change the use of the lake we all treasure drastically.

In closing, Greg if you truly are only running because of this one issue, why not just step out of the race? It seems you would have much better traction by supporting a constitutionally minded candidates such as Elizabeth Jacobsen or Nic Henderson (Spoiler Alert). Then you could work with all three commissioners and our state reps to find a manageable solution for the lake.

Oh and we forgot to mention. Larry da Liz Spencer is supporting Greg. Remember Larry’s support is a sure fire way to lose an election. The KCRCC, with the exception of Anxious Alex Barron doesn’t want ANYTHING to do with da Liz. He’s Chernobyl kinda radioactive to campaigns.

Stay warm, and don’t give in to all the media hype. Trust in the Lord and don’t stress…He is still sovereign over all. Thanks for reading folks.




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