Why’d He Burp?…

…’Cause he felt queazy after he saw this:

So, WWED? (What Would Earp Do?)…

He’d tell you that anyone would would say this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3aN7CYHVZY or this http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=5Ez2u6YvsS0  got no business comparing himself to a legendary Lawman!

Keith, you really should contact a lawyer about getting hosed by Strategery…you really paid them for this?

You should rethink the photo too…got that little Damien/Omen thing going on there…is it the eyes…the hair…Hey, we’re only sayin’… (sorry Keith, we’ll quit making fun of you on Wednesday…we can’t help ourselves ’cause you give us so much good material!)

Wonder if Dave Jones would compare “Hutch” to Wyatt Earp? Check it out: Dave-Jones

To answer your question “Hutch”…we’d like to have a lawyer who is a conservative and dedicated LAWMAN that knows the LAW!… John Green for Sheriff is looking better and better every day!

5 thoughts on “Why’d He Burp?…”

  1. This is Dave Jones and I did write every word you read.

    [Note from Chester: Thanks Dave! So many officers are afraid to step up and tell the truth. You are an inspiration to us!]

  2. Is this a joke? Did he pay Strategery for this or is this a joke mock-up by Chuckleberries? So now are all the women-folk in town gonna’ have to start wearing long dresses and bonnets?

    [Note from Chester: No kidding Smartvote…he really sent this out! We’re starting to feel sorry for the poor guy! (Well…almost sorry!)]

  3. Why dont he just change his name to Wyatt then? I agree with smartvote this urp stuff is stupid, this piece cost you any credibility you had left Wyatt. The only thing Hutch is legendary for is his famous quote in the Wall Street Journal which is perhaps the REAL reason he “quit” the tribe to run for Wyatts job.

    [Note from Chester: Some people can’t believe the piece is real. They think it was a Chuckle mock up. We’ll apparently someone has reworked it Chuckle-style and we’ll try to get it up soon.]

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