Will Stewie Ever Stop?

Reports are coming in that Dave Stewart, candidate for Kootenai County Commissioner District 1 is still running his mouth. His targets are two previous commissioners Marc Eberlein and Dan Green that he served with. It all started at his campaign speech before the KCRCC meeting in February. Instead of telling of his qualifications and why people should vote for him, he spent most of his 18:46 minutes bashing them. His libel was so blatant that during the Q & A session, PC Don Bradway asked Stewie if he was running against Marc Eberlein. Here is the video CLICK HERE. Don’s hilarious question is at the 15:20 mark (Go Don, that was great!!!). Stewie replied “I am not. Marc is running for legislator.” Busted Stewie.

Da Lizard strikes again

It would seem Stewie is building his entire campaign around his hatred for these two men.  We’ve already heard from numerous sources his old pal Larry da Liz encouraged him to go on a libeling spree at the KCRCC meeting. This is why da Liz brought popcorn. It should come as no surprise these two are working in unison. Both are bitter men that feel the way to get ahead in life is to walk on others. They should coauthor a book together, “The Key to Political Success: Burn All Bridges”.

Stewie you’re not Conan the Barbarian, there is no reason to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women. Although maybe you could modify that to a new campaign motto: “Libel your enemies, see them stand against you, and then whine like a little girl.” We laugh in your general direction Stewie.

But better yet, why not just step outta the race? We’ve already had a taste of what you have to offer as commissioner…we were unimpressed.  Now you’re just bitter and getting nasty over contrived tales, so we can only imagine if elected you’d be worse.

ENter Nick Henderson

There is a new candidate in the race that is eager to show us what he’s got! He’s also a constitutional conservative with a sharp mind and a bright future. Dave there is no shame in stepping out and supporting Nick Henderson. To learn more about Nick and to support him go to his campaign Facebook page HERE.

Stay warm and avoid Costco this weekend, Chester


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