It appears that as long as man walks on the Earth, there will be Democrats claiming they are Republicans.  These “trans-politicians” predate the “trans-gender” movement.  We at Chuckelberries will need to research whether one of these groups got their ideas from the other.

In the Legislative District 2 race for Senate, there are 3 candidates, which include 2 RINOS, Jon Cantamessa and Bill Hasz, and 1 Republican, Phil Hart. 

Jon Cantamessa served as a Shoshone County Commissioner from 2000 until 2012.  He was an elected DEMOCRAT in that position.  Now he is running as a Republican for the Idaho Senate.  Really?  In 2012 Cantamessa also ran for the Idaho Senate as an Independent against Republican Sheryl Nuxoll.  If Cantamessa, is really a Republican, why did he want to take out Sheryl Nuxoll, one of our best conservative legislators?  Well, because Cantamessa is a RINO!!

Next we have Bill Hasz, another Idaho Senate candidate in LD2.  It appears that Hasz doesn’t know what he is, as his treasurer’s reports say he is “unaffiliated.”  Or maybe that was Eric Redman’s who is confused, as Redman is Hasz’s treasurer.  When Eric Redman served 4 years in the Legislature his Idaho Freedom Foundation score was an F, D, F and C.  Eric Redman has a RINO voting record, and if birds of a feather flock together, Hasz is a RINO too. 

Hasz’s apparently doesn’t think it is important to vote on a regular basis and his #1 issue is a Convention of the States, called under Article 5 of the Constitution.  Hasz wants to open up our Constitution to unlimited amendments.  Most conservatives believe this is dangerous.  Hasz is naïve to think this is a good idea.  Please don’t vote for him.

In fact, tell Cantamessa, Hasz and Redman…NO MORE RINO’S!

The only real Republican in the LD2 Senate race is Phil Hart.   Phil served down in Boise in the House from 2004 thru 2012.  Phil’s last year in the House was IFF’s first year scoring legislation.  Phil’s IFF score in 2012 was 93, putting Phil in the top 5 of all legislators for limited government and abiding by the Republican Party’s platform.  Phil was an active legislator listing 48 bills on his website that he authored.  Phil successfully navigated the legislative process to get many Pro-Liberty bills signed into law.  You can visit Phil’s website here www.hart4idaho.us

Chuckelberries is praying that  Phil Hart is elected to the Idaho Senate in Legislative District 2.



Alex Barron, Where is he now?

So we had a tip come in to look into what Alex Barron has been up to…he’s been kinda quiet. Well folks, it’s not good. Currently Alex has a criminal case against him with 2-3 violent felonies pending against him. He is still innocent, until proven guilty. So here are the facts of the case only, along with corresponding paperwork. This is for informational purposes only. Continue reading Alex Barron, Where is he now?