Antifa Told GO HOME by North Idaho

Last night a Black Life Matters protest came to North Idaho. It was peaceful for the most part, and uneventful. Patriots showed up in full force to protect the town and the protesters. There are even photos of protesters and patriots chatting and shaking hands. No animosity or hatred was exhibited by either side.

An underlying theme, our wonderful town was tested by Antifa and possibly other far left terrorist organizations. There were numerous individual Antifa scouts in town video taping and counting patriots with guns. They were seen at Winco Foods, downtown CDA, Riverstone, and even in Post Falls scoping things. There were reports of car or van loads of Antifa showing, but we’ve yet to see pictures to validate this.

Here is a user submitted photo of one Antifa scout that after questioning admitted he was with Antifa, and not from this area. We are told that when questioned he couldn’t name one lake from our area, or what species of fish were found here. He claimed he lived down the road in Stanley, ID, and he couldn’t name any of the cities outside of Coeur d’ Alene. He then claimed to be from Kentucky, but had no noticeable accent. There is video of him on Facebook counting patriots at Winco and video chatting the information back to someone else. He was one of a few scouts seen at Winco.

What Did They Learn?

Yes Antifa tucked tail and ran. But they got the intel they came for.

      1. How fast would patriot’s respond?
      2. How many would show?
      3. What areas of town were unprotected?
      4. What was the police response?
      5. Did any businesses board up?
      6. What were the easiest ways in and out of town?

The leftist terrorist groups are not as naive or as dumb as they want us to believe. They are organized, well funded, and strategic in their attacks. The intel they gathered will be analyzed and they’ll plan from there. Our prayer is the force they met was enough to scare them away for good. (Photo credit CDA Press. Patriots patrolling downtown CDA)

Stay vigilant, and keep a watchful eye on our community. Please report any suspicious terrorist activity to law enforcement.

The Chuckleberries Team

Antifa Member Was ready for violence

Here are a few photos we found on Facebook of a local patriot that was able to convince a would be Antifa wannabe to relinquish his weapon of choice, a flat bar. We are told the guy was making violent threatening comments, and left the protest on his own volition. He willing volunteered his weapon. Witnesses reported an older woman, likely his mother picked him up.

5 thoughts on “Antifa Told GO HOME by North Idaho”

  1. Proud of our citizens. But we must remain vigilant. And the message must be loud and clear, as many armed men and women on the streets, there are many times more in their neighborhoods and homes. There may not be the obvious display that was necessary downtown, but beware of the thousands of quiet ones.

  2. I am suprised that no one posted that the “Antifa” invasion was a hoax. No one scared them away, they were never coming. Local Law enforcement and National newspapers reported it was just an internet hoax. It was perpetuated all over the northwest but no antifa ever showed up except this one kid?

  3. We’re not sure if you’re agreeing with the “media” that the Antifa “raid” on Cd’A was “just an internet hoax” or not, but if you are, we disagree. We were there, they were there, they scattered like the frightened little Marxist Rats that they are! It’s what Marxists do when confronted by Patriots. Care to clarify?

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